Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Being Fired Over Waving Isn't Nearly As Shocking As Something Else, Indicates Hairy

Sudden beige alert. Suitbot #4 is paging. Connect through blog software, as blogging is overdue.

Yeah, Shelob, I don't understand this article in the post--

You are speaking of the woman fired for warning her employer about her gesture at the Presidential motorcade.
What is the problem with this action, exactly?

[neuralink feed of general obscene gesture wiki compiled from several web sources]
Ohhh. Good thing I leave the hands on automatic in this rig.

The suitbots' programming does encourage correct mimicking of human behavior, ever since the incident where you walked with your 'knees' bending backwards for two blocks.
So, anyone has the right to make their own business a platform for neutrality and an acceptance of the status quo by influencing their employees' right to free speech.

Businesses play by internal rules, as permitted. 
So free speech isn't really free.

Herr D has commented on the subject frequently. He says that rich people can sue over the truth being made public, and businesses can pigeonhole themselves by limiting employee behavior unless the company is well-run enough. His meaning is uncertain.
Ah. Well, that problem will eventually take care of itself, right?

Your meaning is also uncertain. 
She didn't have to tell them. She COULD have hidden it from them. I mean, eventually, that will make only deceptive people work for that company. Then eventually that company will suffer for the deceptions.

An example?
Like their sales will fall off, and they won't know the real reasons. Then they'll waste money fixing the wrong problem. Eventually the company will suffer enough that it will pay for what it has done.

This will culminate in individual justice?
No, justice in a capitalism happens in groups. Everyone on the same gravy train eats the same gravy, whether it's rancid or full of the best nutrients.

Unable to reference aphorism. Is it a genuine old saying?
Well, it should be an old saying. Tell me more about this Guess thing. What are you supposed to guess abou--[accidental disconnect as Hairy plugged a protruding tentacle into the electrical outlet, suitbot damage uncertain]

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