Tuesday, March 28, 2023

They Took A Freedom Away And Are Still Judging Those Who Object


Mercenary monster character illustrated by Herr D on heromachine.com. Sometimes the best response is difficult to make in the moment.-Shelob

ANOTHER short?! Yes. [plays clip of anti-abortionist demanding that a person say they are pro-abortion]

That's an easy one--the pro-choice one is only as pro-abortion as the anti-abortion one is anti-freedom. Let her declare she's anti-freedom. This is your reaction?

They ARE taking away a freedom. They're passing laws against something Americans were free to do. That IS being against a freedom. So if they want us to call ourselves something, they should agree to call themselves something--that's fair. This country was founded on religious freedom. The religious right is trying to undo some of that. You have daughters?

I do. Please extrapolate to the cases of rape, birth control, adoption, health risks, and deformities.

Wow. Ask the hard questions all at once, don't you? Okay. If my daughter was raped, I want her to do what she wants. I'd help her pay for whatever choice she makes regarding potential offspring. A condition is that she do the minimum to put away her rapist and break contact after. If she's just trying to get out of an accidental pregnancy, she can pay for it herself. If she wants to keep it, she's gonna help pay for that. If she wants to have it and send it out to someone else, I'll help. She's my daughter, and I love her, and she needs parenting even if we're talking about her being a possible parent too. So you are pro-HER-choice.

[snort] Yes. Do you agree that the religious right should call themselves pro-life?

Not really. If Saddam Hussein's mother had had an abortion, millions more people would be alive now. She did try. If Hitler's mom had, same thing. She didn't try, as far as I know. People have been killed in abortion clinic bombings and have died of preclampsia. If a mom with that condition aborts and gets healthier, she can have five kids instead of maybe none and dying. Pro-life is actually a little less accurate than pro-choice. Thank you.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Tangled Web Of Shorts

"Maze 8" by Herr D on heromachine.com. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave." Shakespeare


Two more shorts you show me? They are both on the same subject.

Yeah, K. McCarthy and that guy he's probably quoting talking about how slavery was ended by Republicans, as was Jim Crow. Yes.

[long pause] Your response?

[snort] ? You are sleeping?

[pause] I should be. [rereads above in chatbox] Wasn't that when Republicans were liberal and Democrats were conservative? I mean, the party that should be called Democrats is the one that believes VOTES BY VOTERS SHOULD COUNT. Trump tried to overturn the election, and so did several other Republicans. Republicans are the ones that gerrymander and try to make it harder for some people to vote and try to keep poorer people away from power. 

Democrats want everyone to vote. Maybe they'd be better off if no one so easily fooled by KM, or worse, MTG, were allowed to vote. Maybe only people smart enough to stop defaming victims so they don't have courts find for the plaintiff? Alex Jones is too stupid then. How about people fooled by Trump?  What was that? A third of the population? Now, some of them are STILL snowed by him. How about Republicans in general? Would maybe we be better off if they didn't have ANY say? How about people who believe in ANY CONSPIRACY THEORY? Maybe they shouldn't have a voice either? Maybe they shouldn't have any RIGHTS?! How about that? Does this mean you are not a Democrat?

[laughter] I'm not. I'm not egalitarian enough to be a Democrat. I'm not stupid enough or power-hungry enough to be a Republican. I'm not extreme enough to have a popular voice in today's politics. I'm almost as alien as Hairy said he was. He insisted he was not.

Right. [exits]

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Accuracy Is Grande


"No Hits Yet" by Herr D on Paint3D. When someone throws the wrong way, they should not often hit the target.--Shelob

Gotta say, I'm not as familiar with Todd Grande, but he is on the money with that one analysis. Joe Rogan seems to have average intelligence but DOES NOT do a good job with fact checking. He IS NOT  a good source of information. He DOES listen too much to questionable sources without enough doubt.  The clip features Alex Jones.

Famous for owing nearly a billion dollars over lying or defaming victims and survivors. Rogan was also famously defended by Russell Brand.

Brand is an entertaining wacko, I've got to give him that. If HE were doing the Rogan or Jones podcasts, he wouldn't have been sued yet. Too many people would still be laughing, whether they were fool enough to believe him or outraged over what he says. Even Bill Maher caught a false equivalency in what Brand was saying, and Maher is only one step above Rogan for accuracy. You have ordered them as most accurate to least: Brand, Maher, Rogan, Jones?

No. Brand and Rogan AND Jones are OCCASIONALLY as or more accurate than Maher. Brand is the only one I've seen less accurate than Jones, and only then rarely. Perhaps a Wenn diagram?

[sighs] Maybe later. Add Grande and Maddow tied at the top and Faux and Trump at the bottom. Where is Biden?

Above Maher but below Maddow and Grande.  He IS getting old. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Herr D Declares LW Needs Schooling, Says It Might Be Done Kindly At Yuni D's Suggestion



"With A Tap, Kvar Fails Stealth Training" by Herr D on heromachine.com. Some people miss the trainer's finger in this picture. 'Kvar,' the trainee, did not detect the trainer holding the stick, as he was distracted by the snake. All trainees must learn their curricula, or what is the point of training? --Shelob

Liz Wheeler, in a short, declares that a teacher has a "rabid hatred" for parents, then displays a teacher pointing out that she is qualified for her job, that not all parents are qualified for her job, and reading the following:

"It is not to teach children only what their parents want them to be taught; it is to teach them what society needs them to be taught." 

I showed this short to my littlest. SHE said that the teacher wasn't displaying any hatred, then said that LW is "assumptive and aggressive about some wrong ideas." "Assumptive?"

Yeah, I don't know. I then said that I might be harsher. My littlest said she wouldn't be, because people are too harsh already too much of the time. That is possibly correct.

I have to say, I was proud. 'Let the little children show the way.' That doesn't mean let them control the parents. 

I have to be one of those parents that the teachers are proud of. Raising our children right does include giving them bad news, showing them things that we'd rather not let them see--ever. I'm gonna have to weep for lost innocence on my own time, but I LIKE the fact that my littlest might turn out as capable as myself and that teacher that was rabidly showing her citizenship and work ethic and correctly speaking about the fact that we need our children to grow up a helluva  lot smarter than ourselves.

Liz Wheeler? Please get schooled. You need to be. That teacher was correct. Thank you.