Friday, October 13, 2023

Hezbollah, Hamas, And Haters In General


"Hamas View" by Herr D on Paint 3d. "Klingon justice is a unique perspective."-Star Trek

You still have not commented on situation in Israel.

What's to comment? Biden's being a good leader, Trump's mouthing off like usual, Israel is mostly together, and the bad influences are stirring up trouble--they stirred up more trouble than usual. This is news only in the loosest sense of the word. You have not commented on propaganda effects.

Yes and no, Shelob. This is yet another example of how lying and getting away with it has consequences. Israel was perfectly complacent, not bombing anyone when they were provoked again. There are college-age student gullibles that actually believe Israel constantly kills Palestinians in large numbers. How would there be any left?

[pause for .0100644 seconds data search and .0000000346218 seconds for calculations] At the rate Israel was supposedly killing their enemies, the Middle East would have been vacant approximately May 2009.

[snort picked up by microphone] And supposedly critical thinking is actually taught over there. It took a curmudgeon with experience reading Trump lies and conspiracy theories to outdo those college students at reading what's really going on. But this is why Trump called the terrorists 'smart.' They treat the truth the same as he did.

[14 second pause] Ok--that was sharp, Shelob. Pretty good. That's in general why people admire others. They recognize themselves in those others. Is this why you admire Biden?

No. I admire Biden for having more restraint than I could, being a better leader than I could for lack of charisma, and for getting elected in the first place, like I never could. For preferring peace but defending those that need it? I do see myself in there somewhere. So, 'no, no, no, and yes.'

Right [exits]

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Prayer Expressing Hope: Denial Flooding Out The Good

"Hairbrained Cut" by Herr D on Paint3d. Gaetz is the axe, McCarthy is the head, and the democrats are the right hand, apparently.-Shelob

I'm praying for America and the Ukraine right now. America wants what's best for the Ukraine as well as what's best for America. Maybe the living dead need to be burned--that is to say, none of the House re-elected.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

It's About Time . . . And Truth, And Intelligence

"Slow Down The Sun," by Herr D on Paint3d. Some ideas are just not practical.-Shelob


You have expressed disbelief about multiple political views.

Ending the Ukraine war.

Oh. No. I wasn't surprised or not believing the nonsense being believed right now. I was expressing disbelief about the 'facts' they tried to pass off. You are mentioning inaccuracies.

That lying, stupid ex-Prez said he could end Putin's war in a day. Some of the other candidates have implied they could do it in less than a month. I dearly hope the majority knows that isn't true. You have proof of this?

Proof? Look at history. Any diplomatic situation about a war is going to take about a week at minimum and more likely ten to twelve. Any mobilization is going to take two to three weeks and the ensuing ops could take years. That's why someone at the Pentagon is constantly planning every possible solution.  So one day is not possible?

Unless America nukes BOTH Russia AND the Ukraine right off the map and ends the world, therefore, over the next six months, the fighting will continue longer than a day. I really don't think we'll do that. So, extremely unlikely and undesirable.

Yes. What about a coup?

Anybody kills Ukraine's current leader, they'll guarantee the fight continues. Anybody kills Putin, they practically insist on one of his damn cronies continuing the fight. Those oligarchs are a prime example of "The more a man has, the less he's worth." How would you solve this problem?

If I could? I'd call NATO and say, "look, he's out of control. He's obviously unhinged and unworthy of leadership. He's guilty of war crimes. Announce a 'Radio Free' program. Anyone in the Russian military who walks out and surrenders all the arms in their possession and spends a year in the Peace Corps may have citizenship somewhere else if they like. Anyone who brings Putin to trial in [Geneva?] gets a $10,000.00 reward. Any civilian escapes, surrendering their stuff to us legally, gets international witness protection without testifying.

If I could muster the charisma to leave Putin alone in his country, I would do it. Then I'd ask Z nicely to run it, since he's done such a bang up job fighting corruption and Russia. How many people in America are likely to agree with you?

All the smart ones. Thank you. [exits]