Monday, February 28, 2022

Thank You, Yousef4402, For Noticing titlebot's Prediction


"Flaming Goat's Blood" by Herr D on heromachine. Sometimes the beholders do not agree upon beauty or ugliness beheld. A corollary of Heisenberg: Diverging observers do not diverge the reality of the observed.-Shelob

Skimming titles, 'Yousef4402' noticed that titlebot made a subtle prediction. The title of the following blog episode, featuring the previous blog owner Hairy, has bearing upon a surprising number of historical events over the past seven years. Thanks go out to him for selecting an appropriate repeated posting with header and footer.

[May 24, 2015, posting:]

Mini-Lecture On How Politics Obscures Common Sense

Shelob? Medbot says I need to stay limited, so I need you to create a blog on the following general idea:

I think Herr D is of high intelligence, but why would he have insight beyond what is available on television?

There is no apparent reason. His DNA, his background do not suggest he has the genius you have identified. Your findings are correct, but no reason exists for it. Human literature not as helpful as your calculations.

I was afraid of that. My last communication with him? He told me about something he actually had to explain to someone. I couldn't believe it. Why is it obvious to him and not others?

Supply this subject for comparison?

If If you watch television, half the speakers will tell you that the President is responsible for the state of the economy, and the other half will tell you that Congress or a former president is responsible. --The thing is that neither side is correct. We live in a capitalism. The same people who lead businesses lead our country.  If they could make more money running a business than drawing a salary from the government, then they stay in business.

So, the ceiling of how well our government can run is roughly equal to the degree that the average business is run well.  How many businesses do you think are run well? --Yeah, we're in trouble. 

Yeah, they might be. The average person really isn't very smart. Do you see what I mean?

His explanation appears marginally correct, if oversimplified. Was he speaking to a child?

Uh, no. Someone he described as having better credentials than he but no understanding of economics.

Apparently his audience was wise enough to know this limitation and seek him out.

Errrrrrrmmm--no. This someone, as it turns out, surprised him into answering, thinking he would answer differently. Herr D still doesn't know how he was expected to answer the question, "What do you think of what Obama is doing to the economy?" 

I will blog this. 

[May 24, 2015, posting ends.] 

At the time of the conversation referenced above, by three measurements done by the Treasury Department and Equifax and seven stock market analysts, the economy had improved since Obama came into office. It would appear that people can believe incorrectly about the state of the economy and its directional tendencies compared to time. Additionally, Herr D, though he does not have time for a full blog episode, referenced that he's heard multiple people blaming the state of the economy only on Biden and states that those same people believed Trump's falsehoods about the economy at the time they were in the news.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Ghost Fish And Dead Empires


"Miska TONIC" by Herr D on heromachine.

You have not blogged.

sorry illness and overwork Perhaps you could explain something that has happened.

too much Please report a happening?

I was in the grocery store and saw a box of fish sticks. Fish bones? Or sushi?

[microphone picks up agitated noise] No--not like sushi is supposed to look alive, but fish sticks are obviously dead. Chopped up, mashed together into stick shapes and fried.  Ok.

Then I went to self check-out and scanned them. The computer noted them with a loud beep. I turned to put them into my bag and the computer told me not to. Why?

The computer thought the box of fish sticks was already in the bag. It wouldn't let me put 'another' item in without scanning it. The computer was weighing the bag and thought that the fish sticks should have no mass. Look, is there some list I could answer today? Answer the following:

What is dead, and has no mass, and yet has a presence?

[possible laughter] Well, that would be a ghost. The head cashier DID cross herself when I showed her. This is news?

No, this is just a software glitch. Why don't you compare it to news or something? Like to this? [shows clip to Herr D]

!  Putin has been chided by a diplomat from Kenya as attempting to serve or restore a dead empire. In this respect he has a presence, and he has exerted a cost, but his attempts regarding something dead should not be allowed to add weight to the world's problems.

Neat. Thanks, Shelob. Thank you.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Chinese Leaders Probably Too Cowardly For Truth, Says Shelob's Calculation Subroutine


"Oh," by Herr D on Originally meant to convey how he feels about most software, he agrees that it shows how people should feel about genocide and stupidity.-Shelob

 [watching clip prompted by Shelob] Yes, that's the clip I saw. Please put into words.

A woman knows that her sister, a doctor, and her whole brother's family, 24 people, are missing. She says that China TOOK them. She says none of us should watch the Olympics, because that would mean we are complicit with whatever happens to the abducted people. Why would a government abduct people?

Weakness. Fear. Stupidity. China has a lot of fear. Chinese citizens are too weak-willed to topple their government. Their leader is too stupid to care about people. Do you believe everything the woman said?

No. I'm not watching the Olympics, but that doesn't mean I'm not complicit. I'm not doing anything about the people mistreated in China. Style not match error: inverse not one-to-one ratio. If you were watching the Olympics, would you be complicit?

No. I could be ignorant or be foolish enough not to believe CNN. Why are you not watching the Olympics?

I don't have time for tv at all. Blogging is difficult to find time for. Sleep is too. What else do you believe of what she said?

I'm not sure about a few things. How does anybody know that millions of people are in forced labor? I have no idea. If China won't answer the woman about why 25 family members are missing, it could mean three things? Thing one.

Mao is just unaware of whatever his subordinates are doing and doesn't care enough or dare enough to find out. Thing two.

Mao runs his country too badly to afford someone to find out what happened to them. Thing three.

Mao is too cowardly to let out proof of what really happened to them. Anyway, pretty pathetic. Do you think China is ripe for a coup?

Overripe, spoiled, stinking overdue! Part of me wants to point out to every terrorist in the world that if they REALLY thought they could impress me, they'd trash China. China is the kind of place that if you make some bigwig unhappy you might just disappear. Here, in America? A man attempted to assassinate Reagan, one of the most beloved presidents in history, and he's dying of old age.

People who attack America are COWARDS compared to people who attack China. Noted. Thank you.