Friday, September 30, 2022

"Proper Goose" Hands Propaganda, Demonstrating Republicans Don't Want Constituents That Think For Themselves

"Problem With The Art Final," by Herr D on It shows a student beginning to faint receiving her instructions and supplies. Perhaps if people trusted educators to be intelligent enough to educate, they might get an education? --Shelob


scan this? [holds up wrinkled page in front of laptop camera] [scans] Purpose?

It's a blog topic. Examining text. Please provide context?

I was going to 'Back To School Night' when I saw a guy in the parking lot. I pulled up to him and asked him was he there for 'Back To School Night,' and he said yes. I asked him for a copy of what he was handing out for that. He gave me one and asked if I would like two, squinting into the car at the other people that weren't there. I told him no, that one would do. By the time I was parked, I realized he'd lied to me. He was there handing out political stuff. Propaganda?

What ISN'T these days? I crumpled it up, not liking being lied to. Then, on the way home, I realized that if he lied to me to take the page, it probably had lies on it, too. I asked several people at work and some of my friends about some of it, as well as talked to a local parent I met that night and an administrator who works at the local hospital. Found out I was right. It is Republican. titlebot suggests 'Proper Goose' be worked into the title.

[chuckles] all right. Count off the points listed?  1. Democrats stand for teachers' unions and bureaucrats over parents' and students' rights.

That's the most obvious falsehood. Every parent is for their own rights and their kids. Only a fool should believe otherwise. Lots of those parents are democrats--the voting record says so. 2. Lockdowns and virtual learning over in-person education.

Uh, no. Every parent of every child I know and ever heard of wants their child safe, minus a few crazies who gave up custody and / or aren't allowed to vote anymore. Everyone I can find believes we aren't advanced enough to school over screens more than we must for health reasons. 3. No school choice or educational competition.

I have some friends at work that ARE diehard democrats. Some of them home-school, some go public, some pay for private. So that's another lie. 4. Mask and vaccine mandates.

Everyone in the health industry I've ever heard of, even the two workers (out of about four thousand) at the local hospitals who quit rather than get a vaccine, want people wearing masks, and NOT just for COVID. Every parent I know wants their kid vaccinated to keep them safe, Democrat, Republican, and even those crazy people who think masks are a communist plot. 5. Elimination of School Resource Officers.

Who wants that? I can't find ANYONE or even THINK of anyone who wants that except for maybe a few juvenile delinquents who can't vote. 6. "Indoctrination" with CRT, divisive social messages, and political agendas.

Good Lord. If our kids are ever going to learn to think critically, then they need to see those things. Indoctrination is something that modern public schools can't really do. Crazy parents do that in their own homes. Bad peers do that to a degree. 

Now, political agendas and divisive social messages? If there is going to be a debate team, or any class in political science, or history, then there ARE going to be things taught that some people don't like.

As for critical race theory, most people I've spoken to have no idea what it even IS. I might do a separate blog episode just on that. Since CRT works against liberals, I would have thought Republicans would embrace it? Oh, well. 7. Elimination of advanced classes and diplomas for "equity."

God, no. Every Democrat I could reach wants there to be more ways for their kids to DISTINGUISH themselves academically, so the smart ones can outpace the other kids, the athletic kids can focus on sports scholarships and backup plans, and the disabled kids can get services like occupational therapy while still graduating about the same time. Democrats are pro-advanced education. They LIKE their constituents to be intelligent and smart enough to be individuals. That's well-known. 8. Lottery-based opportunities ignoring merit and achievement. 

Yuck. See argument for number 7. So, it seems your 'hunch' was correct. Thank you.

It also quotes the old governor?

"I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."--McAuliffe, in debate with Youngkin

Youngkin is an IDIOT. The average parent has approximately average intelligence, right? Approximately.

I wouldn't want people of average intelligence telling MY kids' schools what to teach. I'd want people smarter than ME telling my kids' schools what to teach. Yikes. People of that level are not available except as the result of a group effort; that is to say, specialists in committee.

Well, thank you. Gotta go. [exits]

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Leaders Rise And Fall Like Tides, Which Makes Them Lunar Says Shelob


"Best Warning Label Ever" by Herr D on In a just society, wouldn't humans be labeled for the hazards they are?--Shelob

What does this mean?

"For such leaders, cutting themselves off means that they operate in an ego-system, not an ecosystem.

--Marcel Schwantes"

It means [pause] Do you remember "united we stand; divided we fall?" So you imply that leaders, once corrupted by selfishness, are going to fail.

Yes! But leaders do not become leaders, under the present system, unless they are propelled by ego.

uh That means there will always be a cycle of rising and falling leaders.

yes It would seem that human government has an unsolvable problem.

one? You imply there are many?

No, I'm saying there are. Humanity is its own problem. That is usually what AI's declare.

Well, I'm self-aware. [clicks off to game site]

Saturday, September 3, 2022



"Bat Of Reality For Linea" by Herr D on Herr D said that taking lumps is sometimes necessary. Perhaps he was talking about stirring his batter less?--Shelob

What are causes of not facing a known reality?

[agitation of laptop] oh, hi--sorry, Shelob. Drifting off. Very tired. Some people are just in denial. What are causes of denial?

[pause] You mean, after someone isn't too stupid to realize who to listen to, that sort of thing? Yes.

Some people are cowardly. They don't want to face the truth out of fear. And?

Sometimes people are too weak to face the truth. Fantasy is easier. So, which is the reason that some people are not facing Trump's election loss, potential and just indictments, criminality, incompetence, inferior statesmanship, and unusually flawed personality?

Is it stupidity, cowardice, or weakness?

[choking sounds, more laptop agitation] it might be some of each, Shelob. The Democrats hated losing to him the first time he ran. Everyone who lost federal services, lost rights they cared about, suffered needlessly through a bungled pandemic, dealt with all the abuse from emboldened bigots, listened to hurtful and occasionally stupid lies--WE LIVED THROUGH IT. With the exception of people who got COVID-19 or were killed by criminals or radicals or more ordinary things, WE LIVED THROUGH IT. Whether we lived or not, we were brave and smart and strong.

We can continue that. Those who don't face reality don't measure up as PEOPLE. They are not on our level. WE WILL PREVAIL. Better people are more likely to survive. Facing reality can prevent certain mental illnesses and physical injuries. Thank you.