Friday, May 28, 2021

No Xenophobes Need Apply; Hate Is For The Weak And Stupid


"Just Chillin'" by Herr D on heromachine. This looks relaxed.-Shelob

 You have not reacted to the recent hate crime wave against Asians, Jews.

I have, just not blogged about it.

Why not?

Because, sometimes the best thing to do when hearing secondhand about stuff so shameful happening? Is just take care of yourself. When I hear that waves of hate are breaking on America more often than they were, I am ashamed of some of my fellow Americans. They are failing to BE American. Some of our forefathers were here for religious freedom. NOT every religion besides Judaism. When Asians LIVE AND WORK HERE and AREN'T IN CHARGE OF PLACES IN CHINA, then they aren't at fault for what happened in Wuhan. Americans aren't supposed to be stupid and blame their own citizens for what other people elsewhere do.

Black people were sold or stolen or born into slavery. America has been slow to change it's mind about them, more's the pity. But America IS changing. We are becoming, though painfully slowly, the nation that every nation should strive to be. These waves of hatred are backward and stupid and inferior. I really hope that we hear about them stopping and never restarting. I am heartily sick of hearing about citizens of my country acting like a bunch of cavemen fighting whoever they can blame for their misfortune.

I wouldn't mind making joining a hate group punishable by deportation. Right now I have no faith in people. I'm exhausted and sick at heart and just need to relax.

Go relax. [disconnects Herr D]

Perhaps there is a hate group against racists? Please respond if you know of one.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Two Out Of Three Brains Expired; Perhaps Refrigeration Was In Order?

"Brain Weighings" by Herr D on heromachine.


[extracted from chat] 

 Greene? Do you have a clip? [plays clip] 

 Oh, her. Yeah, I'm less offended by her offensive comments than I am offended by somebody that stupid allowed in office at all. Explain? 

 The Holocaust was about genocide. Mask mandates are about saving lives. That's an opposite for all those morons out there. I'm tired of it too. But I care more about human lives than my comfort. If you don't like it, find a merchant as stupid as you are and shop there until they have to close over illness. And Levin? [plays clip] 

Yeah, he's not really stupid; he just has trouble with basic English, listening, accuracy . . . those things. You mean his persistent error in saying 'lethality' when his guest kept correcting him? 

And the idea that China openly shares ANYTHING with the West. And the notion that hundreds of thousands of reporters would rather run a conspiracy against one man than seek out the truth. Oh, and the fact that LOADS of people haven't already tried to prove everything you're implying? Where is your head, man? And Sharpton? [plays clip] 

 THAT is a bright man. You can't just fight racism in your own silo. Good statement. I don't agree with everything I've ever heard him say, but his head is in the game, and I hope he succeeds beyond his wildest dreams. Thank you.

Friday, May 14, 2021

I Wish Well And Welcome To The Republicans Who Stepped UP, Which Trump Treated Like Stepping Out Of Line


"Build Mindfully" by Herr D on Paint3d. He is learning this software well.-Shelob

You said you had a suggestion for the GOP. Something that would make them more successful.

Yeah. Dump Trump, pick somebody else. Shout from the rooftops that 'even the Democrats will vote for' him because he's so charismatic. Find some idiot who is diplomatic enough to BE a diplomat while he runs and will take advice from anyone he knows is smarter than he is. Some CEO who's on the outs with his company, getting that half-billion severance pay who actually DID make his company more profitable without going bankrupt four times like Trump did. Do a point-by-point comparison in the first ad and don't look back.

This would work?

It would give them a better chance than splitting the party, though they should. It would give them more credence with ANYONE outside the most adamant, hardline, right wing activists, and therefore magnify the people voting for them. Right now, they lost--fair and square. They are still yelling things that have been proven false as if they are true. That can only fool the naive for so long.

Do you want this to work?

I don't care. I voted for Biden because he's a better choice for the country than Trump. There has never been a better reason to vote for someone. Our system is a two-party system, though our forefathers clearly said that it needed to be five to eight. We have now the internet--it would be easier than ever to have a balanced election with five to eight candidates! Everyone who has ever been in lockstep without a shred of protest about Trump needs to be voted out. They were BAD for this country. Republicans who can think for themselves are welcome in my house (wearing masks) and I'd be pleased to have them in Congress. I voted for Reagan.

You voted Republican?

He didn't do everything I wanted, but he had the sense to do what people smarter than him told him to. He played the figurehead to their intelligence, and that worked for him.

Ah. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Clients Need ABA, Leaders Need ABCs, Better-Directed Ears


"No Hits Yet" by Herr D on Paint3D. Herr D is aggravated at new software.-Shelob

 I'm beginning to see what Hairy meant when he talked about people being backwards.

He said backward.

Well he was close. People are backwards.

In what way?

Ways. My daughter qualifies for ABA therapy and other things, but only for about six months at a time. She qualifies for a few things, but only about that long. Then the powers that be take it away, saying it didn't do enough, that it must not be working. Then we have to spend a hundred hours on the phone that we don't have to get it back. She's SET back, and so it doesn't stick. How do you get people who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT TO BE IN CHARGE? Why do we always manage to get people who DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT to run things?

I keep getting told that results matter, but it's the ones in CHARGE that ruin results!

Why are you not in charge?

I have never been recognized as someone who should be. I don't even want to be. I just want things to run better.

So you do not want to be in charge, yet your compiled intelligence is great enough to be in charge.

I don't want the hassle. We need people in charge to be good at listening to intelligent people and saying 'make it so' to everyone who knows how to get stuff done. It's like our leaders aim at a dartboard behind us all [interrupt]

That is a visual metaphor? Please illustrate.

[breath change] I'll try. This laptop has something I might be able to use. [exits]


Monday, May 3, 2021

A Question Of Timing To Mean Time Spent Alone

"The Two Explorers" by Herr D on Hairy loved the really long tentacles. Herr D loved the idea of both explorers just missing each other.

 At times, being without Hairy is the most noticeable datum. Is this a valid description of an AI version of loneliness?