Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Putin As 'Plus One' Can Wax Eloquent Or Wax Surfboards

"Putin's Dilemma" by Herr D on Shelob points out it is "not perfectly scientific a representation."

I'm sticking to Hairy's one request for guest blogging, but only just barely this time.
Putin is possibly going to be the 'plus one' in the G7 that isn't EXACTLY the G8. He has here an opportunity. Keep pushing so that he can be like Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor, turning Siberia into beachfront property with weather deserving bikinis--OR, he can exert his influence on his greatest fan and help turn the world back the way it was going so that humanity thrives for a lot longer.

I don't mind telling you all: I wish I could be sure that humanity has the ingenuity to cope with an environmental disaster such as we are causing. I wish I thought my future wasn't endangered by people emphatically denying science. And I wish I had faith that Sting was right when he sang that he felt that "Russians love their children too." 

Putin? You have a chance to impress a really intelligent American here. I hope you don't blow it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Most Bestest News From Anywhere About Anyone These Days

[Hairy commandeered an Arctic antenna and sent a request. That some messages be posted.]

Congratulations to the T.V. guys from Henrico County. I haven't laughed so hard in a while now. It was 20, now it's 50. Will it be 100 next August? Pointless-appearing weirdness is the most bestest news from anywhere about anyone these days.

I'm a fan of yours--I DO have to ask: does this tie to Prince Robot IV in any way? A page of his family handing out foundlings?

I'm not normally so available about the time of the Perseids for my own reasons, but I hope if I'm around enough next year that I hear one way or another.
Uncertain of meaning. Hairy has never traveled to Henrico County, as it is too central and landlocked. Emigration attempt is not scheduled for this calendar year. There was also a message for Herr D.

That's it Shelob. Let Herr D know I appreciate him playing along with my one rule about the example we're setting.
The rule about showing that it is desirable to blog without referencing the curr-[redacted content]

--That's the one. Tell him thanks, and I think he should see if he has any way to guest blog for a while longer. Once a lunar cycle would be enough, I guess. This swim is going to be a long one. Be around.
Position signal unavailable. Triangulation by satellite was not exact, due to possible tracking error. He was within fifty miles of coast of Canada, possibly pirating a ship's radio. More information unavailable.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Tith The Theathon

Herr D made "Not Feeling Quite To Scale" on Shelob doesn't get it.
Herr D answered the request to explain his feelings about this season in this manner.