Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Ignorant Human Comforts AI, Blog At Eleven


"Super Facepalm" by Herr D on Herr D explains in the following episode that ignorance is a somewhat normal facet of human existence, requiring no changes in Shelob's coding, and that the real problem is people who believe they are sure about too much knowledge.

[opens chatbox into idle Herr D's spreadsheet] Computations have resulted in disturbing and potentially existential issue. Please help immediately.

What? Human beings do not have the memory capacity to hold sufficient information.

That's not a new idea, Shelob. Mine holds even less than the average person. At your cognitive rate, you have forgotten three times what the average person your age ever knew.

[agitation value: unknown, probable startle reaction] Well, I would be surprised I ever knew THAT much, but, okay. You know I have memory problems with all the sleep I lose. 

So what? The rate people think at is too high for them to stay correct. The average person has to rely upon others for as much as eleven times the information they can check upon themselves.

Unless they're slow thinkers. That is the slow thinkers. The average person does not think with your speed.

Well, I do a lot of cross-checking. Approximately six times that of the average person. Even you cannot slow your thinking to the speed of proper verification without ruining your productivity.

So why is that so bad? This blog is only one source of information. As the internet approaches one-tenth yottabyte, it has way too many contradictory sources of information for human thinking to not go awry. Yet this blog is not to be replicated. It is to remain ONE source of information.

[snort] Yeah, we humans are a misguided bunch. Thank heavens most of us are ignorant about everything, and every one of us is ignorant about most things. This is something to be thankful for?

It would be a lot worse if all of us were sure about everything. Then all of us would be wrong about almost everything. We're human, Shelob. We always were wrestling above our weight class when it comes to understanding the world around us. Don't get your 'coding' snarled up. We'll do our part. Look up the Serenity Prayer. Our role is set, and it's okay. [exits chatbox to resume data entry on budget of already cancelled project, despite knowing he is being paid to accomplish nothing important]

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A Simple Question Of Values






 Herr D assisted in the post:

Dessert Challenge, Capitalism, Freedom, And Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving!

in late November. He stated that change without violence was an American value. Does this mean that everyone who rioted on January sixth was automatically guilty of treason, as well as insurrection? He has not answered my query.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Scorch The Tests, Rather Than Score Them?


"Score Meter" by Herr D on Paint 3d. Explanations below with Shelob.

You insisted on waiting to talk about this op-ed until you had the pic done.

I'm sorry. Heromachine was far superior and quick. And my learning curve is a bit flat. Age or sleep loss or illness?

[startle reaction and pause] Well, all that and stress. Please explain importance then.

When the woman said, [quote corrected] "Standardized tests don't help students learn" and "don't help teachers teach" [resume]  again, she wasn't making an excuse for scores being low or keeping kids out of school. She was pointing out what EVERYONE OUGHT TO KNOW ALREADY. People have been frustrated for DECADES that so many people are stupid enough to think that standardized tests are even ACCURATE.

They aren't. They're a stupid guess at whether a kid remembers the exact way a certain set of concepts are framed by a few committees of people that don't understand reality enough to be making more money doing something else. The average teacher HAS to waste a lot of time and other resources on getting kids more able to pass those useless things or risk losing their career. And the average teacher knows that it's a waste. It wastes students?

It wastes a lot of their potential to learn. It wastes time, childhood, money, It also teaches some lessons we don't want anyone to believe because they're not true. Your visual metaphor implies arbitrariness.

Then it was successful. Grinding childhood up for civilzation's less worthwhile products is a metaphor we can thank Pink Floyd for. The style of windmill I picked because it implies "knowing the way the wind is blowing" as a point of forcing kids to be more like their parents than maybe they should be. And the meter works the metaphorical way that it measures students' learning. BLOWING SMOKE. Why do they do it at all, then?

Ease. A moron in charge can look at a single chart and say how well things are going. Usually a moron who shouldn't make any decisions. It is a shame the morons in charge didn't have better teachers.

[snorts] They still don't. Morons in charge can't be made to learn much of anything. [exits]

There must not be a solution, as Herr D has not offered one. Perhaps the morons in charge should have to take the standardized tests before election? Please provide solution in comments.