Wednesday, November 22, 2023

About Fifty Lashes


"Lash Out" by Herr D on Paint3d. They do look somewhat unnatural.-Shelob

The pictures I showed you regarding party activities. Why do you think those women unattractive?

Those fake eyelashes. Like a caterpillar crawling on their face. It is a fashion.

Yeah. Like guys NEED another reason to not look women in the eyes.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Greater North American Horned Swoggler


"Swoggle #2" A family tradition for Herr D.-Shelob EDIT: #1 was featured on 1/4/22

Herr D has apparently passed out at his computer at home. Broadcasting various sounds through his computer speaker has resulted in laughter from nearby family members and comments: "What is he watching?" "He's snoring." This pic was in his recent cache.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Beware The Influencer


"Beware The Influencer"  by Herr D on Paint3d. He makes a valid point.-Shelob 

If you can be taught to be a major influencer, you will get much more internet traffic.

Do you wish to learn?

Why not?

bc, 'influencer' is just another word for 'manipulator.' I don't want to manipulate anyone. You do not?

NO. I want people to listen to reason and do sensible things without my help. When they don't, I want them to put up with me complaining about them. Manipulators, or influencers, are the kind of people who got Trump elected, or get anti-Semitism or neonaziism rebooted. Or Hamas sounding like good guys. 

Crazy, stupid, awful. We're better off without 'influencers.' Processing. Thank you. [exits]