Monday, April 26, 2021

2nd Pic, Mark Three Was Best, Says Herr D

"A Sudden Doubt" by Herr D on

"Best Warning Label Ever" by Herr D on

 Herr D has declared himself tattoo-free, and he has said it is "a personal choice, not usually what we should judge each other for." He also explained the two pictures above:

"A Sudden Doubt" is about that moment when memory is uncertain. Sometimes you REALLY need to check on things.

"Best Warning Label Ever" is about the fact that people really SHOULD come with warning labels. In this depiction, I've imagined a judge agreeing to a settlement against a company. Part of the conditions that the lawyers snuck in was that a warning label had to be tattooed on the forehead of the plaintiff by an artist that worked for a subsidiary of the company.

Herr D also declared the best reason he'd ever heard for tattoos.

There was this couple heading off on a foreign missions trip. They were going to or near a place where people were murdered for their wedding rings. Fingers were chopped off to facilitate the thefts. --They tattooed the wedding rings on.

Have anyone ever told you a reason that you thought was a better one? Please comment if so.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Foolishness Continues: Course Is Stayed


"He Never Said WHY He Stopped Eating Bread" by Herr D on

[shunts titlebot into autoblog function]

People are still debating debunked notions and hurting each other for no good reason. Racism still exists, though no one can win first place. Fox 'news' is still attempting to outfox its viewers. Mainstream media is still streaming mainly too fast to be as accurate as they should be. Net ninnies watch net news like Neanderthals. Dope is for dopes. Masks slightly resist dehydration. [self-eject]

Today's summation is complete. Thank you for your attention.-Shelob

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Please, Mitch, SAY THAT AGAIN!

"Tia And Crumpets" by Herr D on He said he based this pic on a real circus act.-Shelob


 [excerpted from chat--laughter, apparent from laptop jiggling] Thats great!

What is great? You said the voting law was not great.

No, Mitch McConnell saying businesses should 'stay out of politics, they're not designed for it.'

Why is this great?

Mitch can declare that he shouldn't get any corporate donors. He can declare the entire GOP shouldn't get any corporate donors. PLEASE let him say that.

He did. That would be businesses staying out of politics.

Well, that's what's so great! I hope he gets his WISH. I hope NO BUSINESS EVER GIVES TO THE GOP AGAIN. Ha! I'm gonna go tell my wife about THIS one. [moves laptop, sounds of footsteps picked up by microphone]

Herr D apparently agreed with a Republican declaration. It is good to agree where possible.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Welders Can Afford Cake, Land On Their Feet, Sturdily

"Hadji's New Job" by Herr D on "Medusa's hairdresser would be a blind snake charmer."-Herr D "Jobs come in all forms."-Shelob


 [discussion of televised interview] He is upset about losing his job and is blaming Democrats and democratic policies, especially Joe Biden. What is your reaction?

It would just be sympathy for people having a hard time, but, I've a reason to be callous.

What is that reason?

Most of the hardships I've faced in life, including job loss have been caused by Republicans.

Are you saying they are incorrect?

No. If you're a coal miner or working on ANYTHING regarding fossil fuels, eventually those jobs WILL be gone. Cutting them now IS a DNC goal. We LIKE the environment and people CAN build windmills and water wheels and solar panels and get other jobs like I did. Times are tough, just like they always were for me when my jobs were taken away.

He has something I didn't have, though.

What is that?

A welding license. He can work anywhere that needs metal joined. I've welded, but couldn't afford the money to get certified in my twenties, so he was better off than I was.

How did Republicans cause you job loss?

I was working in 'Company H' when short-selling got out of control and burst the housing bubble. That cut 'Company H's profits so badly that my entire department was closed. Short-selling was done mostly by people who vote Republican, and it was finally outlawed to the degree it is by Democrats.

That's it?

No, then I was getting unemployment and couldn't afford COBRA, but I was suffering it. Obama passed the ACA, and the Republican Congress fought so hard to defund it that they defunded my unemployment. I actually got a letter explaining that I deserved to get more but wouldn't, because the federal government wasn't paying up. So, DOUBLE paying for insurance on 2/3 my income went to ZERO. All told, it cost my family between 17k$ and 22k$ before I got another job. I would say it was double that, but Democrats deserve some blame too. They didn't win the elections and vote the other way.

You said jobs.

Yeah. Another job saw my boss come through yelling that he didn't think any of us deserved minimum wage, and now that it was going up, he might have to let some of us go. And he thought that if any of us were worth it, we'd be out starting our own companies anyway. Three of eight of us quit that week. He demanded of me why more work wasn't done. I looked up at him -- he was tall. I said, "I've only done triple what the others do. I USED to do only double, before you drove them off. You have yet to pay me what the others made before you cut them to minimum wage. CLEARLY, I'm never going to make what I'm worth if I wait for people to be FAIR about it. If you don't want me here, I'll clock out now. If you can stop hurting my ears, I'll continue to earn more than you will ever pay me, because I'm worth more than you'll ever pay me." He stared at me with his mouth hanging open for what seemed like forever. Then he walked out. He fired one of the others, raised my pay 5 CENTS AN HOUR over the new minimum, and said not a word. I left for college and didn't try to come back holidays like I did other companies.

ANOTHER job I had? I did the same job at the same desk for approximately the same pay for FOUR DIFFERENT COMPANIES. The morons couldn't figure out how to stay in business. There was, on average, a quarter between each company hiring me. The bosses of three of those failed iterations of the business tried to get all the employees to volunteer their time and lawn space for the RNC. The other one was the one that lasted a full two pay periods.

I don't have time to go into the others. You get the idea.

Yes. Thank you.