Thursday, October 3, 2024

And So It Goes . . .


"Aim Higher" by Herr D on Paint3d. Mob rule rules right when it needs left.-Herr D

Why . . . did you show me this? You were watching the same content by Hannity.

This is the same nonsense. By somebody who was fired or something. 'Or something.' Watters is less popular, and thus, is more subject to punishment for fraud.

I'd love it if people would get punished for fraud just for not making it plain they ARE A PUNDIT. An amazing number of people I've spoken to didn't even realize there was a difference between a journalist and a pundit. More than one of them said "What's a pundit?" Who did they think they were watching?

The news! That's what I'm saying! A surprising number of people think that their entertainment is news. Style not match error.

[snort] Yes. Trump fans are still nuts and more likely to vote than anyone. 3rd-party enthusiasts are more likely to waste their vote than usual. KH fans are capable of saving us from four more disastrous years even if she turns out to NOT be a good prez.  What are the odds of her being a good president?

Keeping Trump out would automatically mean she's an average prez, because it would mean she carried the office sanely and with charisma. Odds are heavily against people being happy with her, because Trump fans will make everyone unhappy as much as they can. Being pro-union and pro-middle class means some high-powered business people are going to bias all their advertisements against her and pay influencers to yell and moan about her. Since KH is a stateswoman, rather than a wicked salesman gifted at talking himself up, all the sheeple out there are just going to hate her.

Then there's historically the presidency in general. Presidents who work hard, do the right thing, make a difference, get America out of trouble, and fulfill their campaign promises usually get voted out after their first term and have people miss them after it's too late. They also face more complaints, fairly AND unfairly, than the others. So the better she does, the more complaints there will be?

Yes. It would appear the American public does not know what is good for them.

THAT is why Obama tricked Congress into passing the ACA thirty years after Hillary Clinton tried to reform health care, thirty years LATE. And has heard little but complaints about it. We still need to do a LOT of tort reform and improve Obamacare rather than wait till it's forty years overdue again. Thank you.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Watch For Bad Editing, Says Herr D; You Must Be Sharp, Says Shelob


"Sign Of The Times" by Herr D on Paint3d. This DOES seem to be worse, recently.-Shelob

[turns off newsfeed over] Yeechhh. Analysis?

[notices chatbox that was behind newsfeed window, startles] Shelob?! Here.

[snorts] I see. That's what, six in a row? Six in a row of what?

Words taken out of context. You can see where it was wrongly edited, if you're good. Interesting that the majority of broadcasters of fake news are mis-editing KH's words. It has been six in a row. One of the broadcasters presented false credentials.

I don't think it's interesting. I think it's criminal. I'd like to see fraud charges brought against a lot of those sites, participants, etc. I think youtube should have on it's homepage something that suggests news sources that are reliable like wire services, and advise people that much content is not only wrong-headed, but unhealthy and potentially dangerous. That might be a good suggestion. Make a pic?

I'll see if I have time tonight. [exits]

Friday, September 20, 2024

Trump Is So Fat Because He Loves Suckers; Herr D Is Down On Three Nutrients, Sleep, And Rest


"Voting Is A DUTY" by Herr D on Paint3d. Choices must be made responsibly.-Shelob

Wow--I finally got through the prez debate. You need more leisure time.

I do. You need more sleep. 

I do, b--You need more manganese, vitamin C, and iron.

I've watched what you eat over your breakroom camera as well as your laptop camera and analyzed the ingredients within 7.70946952 %.

[picks up 'mandy'] Will this fix it? That will alleviate some of the vitamin deficit.

Pork chops for dinner? That will possibly achieve your healthy minimum nutrition. Your sleep and rest requirements will take precedence.

[mutters under breath] What did you think of the debate?

I'm sorry KH sounds like a politician. Trump still sounds like a madman. Vance, in the afterblurb sounded #$%^&* DITZY. I'm worried, Shelob. Trump's followers are crazy. Crazy people ALWAYS vote. They turn out. Sane people don't always vote. We could wind up with him in office again. I REALLY don't want to go through that again. He'll try to 'Make America Greatly Troubled Again.' Insanity apparently is it's own cause.

Well, it self-reinforces. You will vote for KH.

Yes. There isn't another possibility for anyone who doesn't want the next mishandling of America. I hope she's at least half as effective as she is optimistic. If she is, I'll be happy.  The lies Trump told were effective?

He's always been an effective liar. The problem is, I DON'T like the effects. How do people believe the pet-eating story? They believe in Trump.

Yeah, [shakes head sadly] Sucker born every minute. And Trump wants our nation full of clowns.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did You Really Get That? Everyone Should Worry.

"Headcut" by Herr D on Paint3d. Presentation of any political idea must be done simply for modern audiences to allow for the lack of enforced thinking in any free society.-Shelob


You haven't asked me to blog lately--I HAVE enjoyed the break, Shelob, but I have something for you. Blog cessation enforced. Please supply topic for consideration.

Maddow was presenting something about anti-Semitism recently, but it occurred to me that most people today don't have the attention span to guarantee they would understand she wasn't advocating it rather than criticizing it. Misunderstandings matter.


[Topic importance override: Submit immediately.]

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Perseids Passage Prospectively Pertinent, Perhaps Properly


"Clock" from auction site. Time is still passing.-Shelob

Annual Perseid blogging cessation repeated. Please stand by.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Perfusion Of Attention Prevents Confusion About Inflation


"Superstition" by Herr D on Paint3d. Economics can be as complicated as omens.-Shelob

Why are people still confused about inflation?

Shelob, people are always confused. Error persists and learning is slow, particularly when sloppy thinking is common. Why WOULDN'T they be confused about inflation? I have a neighbor who thinks Trump needs to be re-elected. After the LAST fiasco! Why do you not have the same confusion?

You mean about our current economy? Yes.

I guess because I pay attention. My IRA has made more money in the past two years than it has in the last twenty. It SHOULD have made more than the last five or six, considering the nature of compound interest and how long I've had it and the pandemic, where it lost money. But twenty? Then there's apps and digital books. [2 second pause] You pay attention to those?

Yuni D is a technophile and I can't afford the paperbacks I want to read, so I shop around for a while before buying. You are attempting to spend less.

Exactly! So I noticed that digital books and apps have almost not gone up at all compared to other products and services. And they went up much much later.  You are correct. That is not actually inflation.

I'll tell you what part of it is. What?

Republican-owned petroleum companies deciding to gouge customers more while making Biden look bad to anyone who doesn't think about it.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Hostages Returning Made Herr D Nervous, But All Is Well


"U.S. Flag" by Herr D on Paint3d. Despite his nervousness, things went well.

I don't mind telling you, I was a bit nervous. Why?

Both the president and vice president were on the same airfield. Yes?

And the plane had just arrived from another country? Yes?

I had a little fear that security might fail somehow. How?

Nevermind. Nothing happened. Correction, the hostages arrived.

Right. [exits]