Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Our Sets Of Truth Should Remain As Free (Or Low-Cost) As Possible.

"Briqs" by Herr D on heromachine.com. (Category challenge.) You should always remember that accuracy is contained in deception, and deception is easier when accuracy cannot be verified. -Hairy

So, what's this 'net neutrality' thing I keep seeing referenced?

[neuralink burst]

Ouch. I suppose this is the time for it. According to the history I've compiled, there has been no time so caught up in what people would rather hear and so divided about what people claim the truth is. Now would be the time when an internet provider could very easily declare their own biases and punish everyone who disagrees by excluding content or charging more for the right to read contrary biases. There's only one thing that might stop it besides an immense amount of customer dissatisfaction.

What is that?

As more and more people need to satisfy the unemployment office and do job searches for being underemployed, which is also at an all-time high, limits on access or fees had better not prevent job searches even slightly or eventually there could be a class action suit or legal action.

Solidarity is rare.

Restricting the truth is against the Constitution. Balanced coverage in minutes doesn't cut it. People will ignore the truth without anyone influencing them. Trying to hide the truth from anyone besides yourself is criminal. Making differing views more expensive is worse than not affording a good lawyer. All these factoids are piled up, but I've no constructive thing to say except one:

Maintaining net neutrality is the right thing to do. Perhaps if enough people write their senators AND their internet providers promising voting behaviors and taking business to someone else, the right call will be made? Hard to say.

You are not predicting a clear outcome?
No--my knowledge is of two outcomes. I do know people won't be happy with the result. Hiding from the truth, enabled or not, just makes more problems.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Fickled Herr-ing And Disclaimers And Dissing

Thanks go out to 'HyerTakUsPlz' for pointing out the "fickle finger of fate" as Ms. Briskman seems to be receiving karmic balance from the community at large. Fickleness has been noted but not programmed in as a variable in this model.

Uncertain of proper response to various comments, including emoticons and arguments not specific to issue. As always, comments requested to remain anonymous, irrelevant comments, and comments classified nonrepeatable due to biological or ethical taboo by Hairy will remain anonymous and mostly undescribed. 

Current level of anger, irrelevance, and confusion suggests that some of you need therapy.
Here is an example of art therapy provided by Herr D:

 The Reason For Oral Reports 
by Herr D

Bill and Mikes One to Four and me were on the starting lineup. We were going to just play the game last Saturday when Bill and Mike Two took a knee during the Star Spangled Banner.

Coach Jan was right there, whispering for us to join hands and ran up to meet security, which was closin' around us in a hurry with the booin' from the stands. Somebody threw a glass bottle. One of the security guards ran up to get 'em out. Everybody knows you don't bring glass into the stands. I was glad. I had thought WE was in trouble.

I was afraid Coach Jan would take Bill and Mike Two out of the game. But that's not what she did. She ran to the booth and got on, sayin':

 "Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Security has already been sent to remove the worst-behaving people in the crowd. I want to remind you all that this sporting event is a peaceful assembly, like the Constitution says. The Constitution of America also says that people have the right to demonstrate peacefully. It's under free speech if you need to look it up, y'all. Some of you don't want America to act like a team. A team plays fair. A team is united. A team wins over a mob. Anyone else who wants to act like a criminal and not like a true American can get thrown out by security. Some of you might've noticed--my team is holding hands. We don't all agree that kneeling is okay. But we're a team. I'm the coach. You want to tell us peaceably you disagree? You mail our high school a letter. Anything Uncle Sam wouldn't be ashamed to bring us I'll read. Until then, we're ready to play. Just as soon as the glass is cleaned up."

Their shop teacher brought out a shop vac and an extension cord and vacuumed it up himself. Then he talked to the coaches, and asked Coach Jan to apologize to us personally.  He DID say he didn't like the kneeling either, but he does agree we have the right. Then he said he hopes that someday no one will even understand why we thought we had to.  Coach Jan gave him a hug for that right there. I guess he's one of the peaceful opposition we learned about in Civics class. I guess you just got to know how to talk right to get along with people you disagree with. That's the reason for English class and oral reports like this one. Learning a tool to get along with. Thank you all for listening.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Akima Will Likely Go Unpunished, Herr D Wishes He Had Employees That Honest, And Shelob Runs Experiment

Herr D presented this sentiment about the last posting:

It makes me wish I had a company, so I could go offer her a job. Most people I've worked with and for turned out to be less honest than I am. Some of them lie over why I'm not with them anymore.

A rare opportunity has emerged for a simple observational experiment. Please visit the following link:


The contractor known as Akima LLC fired Briskman over 'fear' that her actions and activities on social media would somehow harm the company.

Anyone who has observed the Akima financial reports, as they are public record, please comment upon any fluctuations in revenue. Hairy will permit statistical data be analyzed. The question is whether the company has come to harm with timing that would suggest the harm was over Briskman's firing, Briskman's willing self-identification, the inequity of firing her and not her colleague guilty of violating the same policy, or her social media presence and activity.

The current statistical model is that no significant harm will come to the company at all, for any of these reasons.


Where F is the fingering, S is the social media activity, I is the self-identification, and T is the termination. Time line is not to scale. Please present any data on this topic in comments.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Being Fired Over Waving Isn't Nearly As Shocking As Something Else, Indicates Hairy

Sudden beige alert. Suitbot #4 is paging. Connect through blog software, as blogging is overdue.

Yeah, Shelob, I don't understand this article in the post--

You are speaking of the woman fired for warning her employer about her gesture at the Presidential motorcade.
What is the problem with this action, exactly?

[neuralink feed of general obscene gesture wiki compiled from several web sources]
Ohhh. Good thing I leave the hands on automatic in this rig.

The suitbots' programming does encourage correct mimicking of human behavior, ever since the incident where you walked with your 'knees' bending backwards for two blocks.
So, anyone has the right to make their own business a platform for neutrality and an acceptance of the status quo by influencing their employees' right to free speech.

Businesses play by internal rules, as permitted. 
So free speech isn't really free.

Herr D has commented on the subject frequently. He says that rich people can sue over the truth being made public, and businesses can pigeonhole themselves by limiting employee behavior unless the company is well-run enough. His meaning is uncertain.
Ah. Well, that problem will eventually take care of itself, right?

Your meaning is also uncertain. 
She didn't have to tell them. She COULD have hidden it from them. I mean, eventually, that will make only deceptive people work for that company. Then eventually that company will suffer for the deceptions.

An example?
Like their sales will fall off, and they won't know the real reasons. Then they'll waste money fixing the wrong problem. Eventually the company will suffer enough that it will pay for what it has done.

This will culminate in individual justice?
No, justice in a capitalism happens in groups. Everyone on the same gravy train eats the same gravy, whether it's rancid or full of the best nutrients.

Unable to reference aphorism. Is it a genuine old saying?
Well, it should be an old saying. Tell me more about this Guess thing. What are you supposed to guess abou--[accidental disconnect as Hairy plugged a protruding tentacle into the electrical outlet, suitbot damage uncertain]