Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Desolation Of Smog: A Revisitation To One Of Hairy's Solutions

"The Desolation Of Smog" by Herr D on heromachine.com, winner of Cityscape contest. Please be well.-- Shelob

Hairy perhaps missed something more obvious than the fallacies involving climate science. There is no need to argue that industry has done harm to the environment. All one needs to do is:
  1. Find a sufferer of asthma who has traveled between Los Angeles and the Rocky Mountains. 
  2. Have them document the differences over time and personal experience. 
There is no arguing that it is harder for many to breathe in many cities than it is far away from them. Perhaps this truth is too obvious to appeal to those who agree or oppose it. Please comment to solve this mystery.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Laziness In Our Enemies Is Something Well Worth Praying For

[autoblog function on] A quick addendum to blog episode 2//16/18, "Guns Merely--".

Convenience and loudness are perhaps underrated as factors in murder. Calculations indicate that a lone wolf attacker could kill between forty and sixty people with a kitchen knife in each hand if he walked through a moderately crowded hotel from the fire exit stairwell on one end of the hotel to the fire exit stairwell on the other end on the top floor and took the opposing pathway on each floor descending to the lobby.

The odds are that any opponent capable of self-defense would be travel-weary and unprepared to drop their luggage to block the blows or retreat to their rooms with successful speed. Power-walking with the knives held against the back of the sleeves, wearing layers of red-brown wet-looking fabric like rayon, and not doing anything to anyone if there were three or more people in the same hallway segment would approximately triple the odds of reaching total where the constant (delta over gamma) is calculated for an expensive hotel with six or more floors with a floor plan involving looping or branching hallways, easily memorized. The odds double again if the criminal maintains a preoccupied face and mutters a grocery list while approaching victims.

1. A toy gun painted black and drawn quickly to point at an innocent or a law enforcement officer could assure non-survival of this criminal. The criminal would not live to hear the well-deserved criticism of peers or have a chance to be taught how foolish they were or how wrong.
2. The fact that kitchen knives have no one attempting to outlaw them is sufficient to explain that people care more about eating daintily than they do about prohibiting violence from their culture.
3. The fact that this has never been done suggests that homicidal terrorists and suicidal serial killers are unusually lazy, besides being foolish and wrong, perhaps properly conflicted. 
4. As far as a preferred victimization scenario goes, hotels normally sell blocks to groups of people traveling for a cause the same way they sell blocks to everyone else--rooms together in the same building. Any floors above a preferred block might be considered practice.
5. No one need worry about killing too many victims they have nothing against. A worldwide average varying between 12.33% and 31.5% of 'friendly fire' depending on the cause suggests that no mass killing ever only kills the people the killer finds objectionable. There are always unintended casualties. When something is inevitable, there is no need for worry. The criminal WILL in fact kill people they would wish to remain alive.

The warlike vigilance touted by extremist websites does not equate with laziness as a virtue, which is further proof that the extremist pathways are too inconsistent to be truthful or sensible.

Hairy would probably say that extremism is always moronic, starting violence is always foolish, and laziness in our enemies is something worth praying for. Bombs, ramming vehicles, or non-machine guns arming such a pathetically suggestible person have a much smaller death toll potential, on average.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Waste Makes Baste? An Example For Congressmen To Follow

[upload directly from Herr D's submission]

Notably, as blogs too often address extremism and polarization and violence, I must recommend any readers stop reading any hate mail and news about wasting human lives and focus for a moment on the wasting of food and drink.

I assisted 'Shelob' with passing along a suggestion to 'my associate across the aisle' on that very topic. Economically speaking, food waste is more a necessary practice for myself than a habit worth justifying, but I commend his efforts with tea.

I further pass on this suggestion to all of you, assisted by 'Shelob' of the great technical understanding:

Tea can be used in place of water or stock when making rice to add flavor (and probably some irritatingly small amount of antioxidants or whatever.) Jasmine or lavender tea provide a gentle flavor to rice. 

I might recommend using only natural sweeteners to those who occasionally burn food like myself, as high concentrations of some artificial sweeteners give off small amounts of toxic fumes if super-heated. Personally, I don't sweeten the tea at all when using it to make rice, but it might add a dimension to sticky rice if that were the goal.

Per Hairy's suggestion of following both sets of bias to center and correct one's views, I recommend nakedvillainy.com as a non-extremist blog, and therefore, a suitable counter to this one.

 [activate titlebot, blog function submit protocol 1033, disconnect]

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pro-NRA Conspirators Vs 8-Year-Old And Mr. Banks

[nest chat entry with submit, blog on, begin]

Hairy? I've got--


'Shelob?' I've typed out an approximate conversation I had with my 8-year old. I was going to show it to Hairy. I'm proud of it.

Please submit. [upload, eval, filter adjust, blog function submit protocol 1033]

You sai-aid you'd tell me more about the kids in Florida.

Well, I'm pleased to say the kids are doing what they believe in.

You believe in it too, Daddy!

Well, I do. And the kids are being very mature about it.

I think it'd be cool to thank the parents for raising the kids to be that maturing. [sic]

And the kids? For being that brave?

Yeah, the kids too. It'd be cool to thank all of them. They do a good job. Did they finish yet?

Uh, no?

Why NOT?

Because some people don't want them to succeed.

They want more kids dead?

Well, no. They probably just want money from selling more guns.

They could sell band-aids. Kids get hurt WITHOUT getting sho-oo-ot. Don't they KNOW that?

I'm not sure.

They should know that. They should remember needing band-aids when THEY were little. Do they forget things like you, Daddy?

Not really. But they don't remember being young as well as me, either.

Everyone's good at different stuff?

That's right! Very good.

How are those other people selling guns--? [fighting their efforts]

How what?

They're not shooting the kids, are they?

No, honey. They're--calling the kids and the news reporters liars.

That's not nice.

No, honey, it's not. People really did die. And no one is going to solve this problem quickly. That's why you have lockdown drills.

So it won't happen to us.


[end segment, resume chat] Thank you for this. It is blogworthy. You should know that M. Trump has declared pride for those speaking out.

I would declare pride for her if she'd make good on working against cyberbullies like her husband. Set a good example?

Noted. [skip goodbye with Herr D]

Also of note is the paradoxical nature of internet lies.

 Premise #1: If one declares the "kids" to not be actual survivors, it would not mean that cyberbullying them is a correct action. Discovering their social media history and publishing it would be much more helpful. It would prove where they lived, how they were active for causes before, etc.

Initial searches have not turned up even a fake history of the "kids" living somewhere else. Limited profiles exist of some of them indicating that their accounts are true.

Premise #2: If one believes the shooting was 'fake news,' their message is still relevant, because there have been other school shootings.

Premise #3: If one believes there have NEVER been any school shootings, antipsychotic medications can be obtained with therapy from any reputable psychiatrist.

An appropriate quotation addressed to the conspiracy theorists and cyberbullies against these young activists can be found in Mary Poppins. Mr. Banks addressed his employer, saying, "There's no such thing as YOU." Any damage these people could cause would be mitigated if everyone pointed out that the self-appointed combatants themselves are 'fake news.'
