[show timestamps on revisions] {EST0920-020219} Hairy did not finish this entry, but earmarked it for release at the beginning of February. It appears understandable though unfinished. Programming requires action.
[Shelob? Have titlebot scan through this glossary of terms to advise me on concision.]
{EST0300-121618} titlebot had no advice, as it is not programmed for advice-giving. Perhaps Hairy meant to program a module for that and forgot.
{original} I've been researching this old adage that 'time is money.' Despite all Einsteinian principles violated and good common physics to the contrary, there IS a way to make it make sense. When time is a limiting factor on a person or a group or an event, occasionally it is necessary to replace it as a resource with a larger amount of money than originally planned.
[Shelob? Research human behavior about this next part? Social media should have something.]
{EST2015-121518} On-topic complaints in social media are present. This behavior has been noted as a reason to stop dating someone. Apparently Herr D could have benefited from researching this behavior before getting married. Then the time and money spent on his first marriage could have been avoided.
{original} Herr D assures me that his first wife thought 'sharing' meant 'stealing,' because she did that often. He also typed that she thought this euphemism was common, if not feminine. He also said his first wife was way too 'girly,' despite being older than him, for him, and prone to such nonsense as Newspeak.{EST0450-122018} Additional research indicates that 'girliness' is at times synonymous with femininity and at times irrelevant to femininity. No consensus to be found.
{original} Newspeak is an Orwellian term for an attempt to control the way people think by deliberately incorrect language use. Another term for it is 'corporate doublespeak' differentiated from 'legalese' in that lawyers are supposed to be able to manipulate legalese and those reading it on contracts and other documents.{EST0830-121518} Unable to ascertain your main idea.
{EST0837-121518} The intent of all this is to revise the popular misnomer that a 'timeshare' is anything but a 'moneysteal.'
{EST0840-121518} You are attempting Newspeak as well?
{EST0846-121518}Well, 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em,' right?
{original} Timeshares, or 'moneysteals,' sound great at first and might even BE great at first, but eventually, they always become a bad thing. There are more companies online dedicated to helping people get out of timeshares than there are organizations online to help parents deal with financial, emotional, and marital difficulties experienced because of having children with autism. A timeshare company recently decided to 'negotiate' their way to requiring each customer to declare annually that they wanted their points to roll over. HELLO?! One customer in fifty WANTS to throw away the money they spent? Why? Are they clinically insane? Is it a religious offering to the corporate gods of loss? Customers shouldn't have to watch merchants vigilantly to choose the lesser of two evils at every turn for something they are already paying for. And what about these 'negotiations?' It's not a negotiation if only one side can change anything. THAT IS A FALSEHOOD AND FRAUDULENT. It might not be illegal, but it IS unethical. Timeshares are becoming famous for ruining the possibilities of taking vacations in several, some of them surprising, ways. Avoid the moneysteals at all costs.
I'm here to learn. About you, about me. I'll try to keep limiting myself to mostly just one question a day, since that seems to be the preference here. Don't call the men in black; there won't be any trouble here. I'm not after your silly launch codes--it's sociological! Please comment. Let me learn about you all. EU visitors beware of potential cookies.