Friday, May 17, 2019

Herr D's Opinions Of Politicians Haven't Changed, Nor His Estimations Of Others' Intelligence

[interrupt chat with Herr D to begin blog function after receiving permission] Thank you. What is your response to the state senator who said women were going to want to move away from Alabama over attempts to outlaw abortion in the case of rape and incest?

Well, I didn't meet but one woman in Alabama that I would have had sex with when I was single. I can't comment on how the women feel there, but I have my doubts that the legislators can either. She was a waitress. I spent most of my time in that state driving through on the roads that warn drivers not to pick up hitchhikers because they're most likely escaped felons from the local prisons. I CAN tell you that I wouldn't want to live in that state anyway. Too many floods and tornadoes. The fact that most senators from that state probably deserve to live with the worst of what the state has to offer? No surprise. They're politicians for crying out loud.

You do not believe people should be against abortion?

Uh, no. People can be against it all they like. But before they go picketing or trying to pass laws about it, I want every single one of them to either adopt an unwanted child, foster parent three disabled kids to age eighteen without a domestic complaint, be a Big Brother / Big Sister fifteen hours a week for five years without dropping a complaint, raise THEIR OWN rapist's child or their spouse's rapist's child to a happy, functioning adult or MAYBE donate half a billion dollars to a reputable child abuse prevention foundation. 

And I'm not sure half a billion would be enough. Lots of kids have good reason to wish they hadn't been born.

Your reasoning?

Without doing those things, their opinion means nothing to me. They are speaking from ignorance and need to be known for the fools they are.

You declare they have insufficient experience to have an informed opinion.

Ha. Maybe I could have been kinder. Your words are neutral, but yes.

Perhaps another alternative, they could counsel adult survivors of rape, incest, and help single parents in some meaningful way?

Provide free day care maybe? The counseling's good. Babysitting maybe. For free.

You are saying that you do not wish to consider an opinion unless it is 'earned' through experience, but as an American, you believe in 'free' speech.

Everyone has the right to sound like an idiot for free. I object to people listening to fools. People are too gullible in the wrong ways and to skeptical in the wrong ways.

The recent declaration about free speech by your government should please you. 

The free speech decl does, but they still failed. Every every everybody online who does anything where people can post should be required to have up some version of the following: ANYONE WHO HATES OTHERS STRONGLY ENOUGH TO SAY HATE CRIMES ARE OKAY IS A PATHETIC LOSER WHO DOESN'T DESERVE ANY GOOD THOUGHT OR FOLLOWER AND SHOULD BE LOCKED UP FOR PUBLIC ENDANGERMENT IF THEY EVER GET A SINGLE NUT TO AGREE WITH THEM.

You are okay with cyberbullying?

Only to those who won't learn to be civilized human beings any other way. Gotta go, S.

Thank you. [upload, disconnect]