[opens chatbox into idle Herr D's spreadsheet] Computations have resulted in disturbing and potentially existential issue. Please help immediately.
What? Human beings do not have the memory capacity to hold sufficient information.
That's not a new idea, Shelob. Mine holds even less than the average person. At your cognitive rate, you have forgotten three times what the average person your age ever knew.
[agitation value: unknown, probable startle reaction] Well, I would be surprised I ever knew THAT much, but, okay. You know I have memory problems with all the sleep I lose.
So what? The rate people think at is too high for them to stay correct. The average person has to rely upon others for as much as eleven times the information they can check upon themselves.
Unless they're slow thinkers. That is the slow thinkers. The average person does not think with your speed.
Well, I do a lot of cross-checking. Approximately six times that of the average person. Even you cannot slow your thinking to the speed of proper verification without ruining your productivity.
So why is that so bad? This blog is only one source of information. As the internet approaches one-tenth yottabyte, it has way too many contradictory sources of information for human thinking to not go awry. Yet this blog is not to be replicated. It is to remain ONE source of information.
[snort] Yeah, we humans are a misguided bunch. Thank heavens most of us are ignorant about everything, and every one of us is ignorant about most things. This is something to be thankful for?
It would be a lot worse if all of us were sure about everything. Then all of us would be wrong about almost everything. We're human, Shelob. We always were wrestling above our weight class when it comes to understanding the world around us. Don't get your 'coding' snarled up. We'll do our part. Look up the Serenity Prayer. Our role is set, and it's okay. [exits chatbox to resume data entry on budget of already cancelled project, despite knowing he is being paid to accomplish nothing important]