Herr D?
[slight startle] Yes, Shelob. You have not commented on investigations into Biden.
There's not much to say. Are you in favor?
Well, Congress obviously can't do a very good job of it. Maybe they could appoint an independent body, like should always be done. Why do you say obviously?
Congress is incompetent and painfully slow at investigations. They try and get sound bites in, but don't actually find anything at any decent rate of speed. You are not against investigating, just the choice of investigators?
Yeah. Trump is still at large, though it's been clearly shown that he's broken laws and is still not necessarily obeying them. Congress COMPLETELY failed to show Hillary did anything wrong. She might've, but they're worse detectives than Jacques Clouseau! Biden might've. It's possible. You notice he's not guilty of contempt? You notice he's not even involved, really? Biden is behaving like any innocent man would.
Congress is also historically unwilling to stop investigating people who AREN'T guilty. Thank you. [exits]