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"The Ordinary Tour" by Herr D on Paint 3D. Priorities, as well as facts, should occasionally be re-examined.-Shelob |
You have not commented on the cocaine found in the White House.
? You tend to comment on major political events.
I don't think of that as a political event. It was a public area? You react as if you think someone just brought it in with a tour.
How would we know otherwise? Unless they found evidence to the contrary. I tend to wait for evidence to make up my mind. There have been dead people found in my county, but I'm not guilty of murder. The last three people who owned my home are dead too, and -- so what? They were old. If you want me to comment on a political event, bring me a political event. The new Barbie movie is being criticized for left leanings.
[snort] Okay, it's a movie. Right wingers hold seminars and speeches and do things too. So what? What does it mean that Hollywood is criticized for being too 'woke?'
I'd say that means that the people most capable of working on and with teams of highly skilled people to produce the most entertaining, money-making products available with the highest budgets and the most fame lean to the left. Time was that Hollywood moguls were all Republican and wouldn't produce the scripts we have today. WHO CARES? Apparently not you.
Right! [exits to chess game] [opens chatbox again] And the attack on Russia by the Ukraine?
[sharp inhalation] Let the crime fit the punishment? Putin's been accusing them of wanting to do that forever! Let them scare him a little! He deserves it--he's a despot. LET UKRAINE TAKE OVER RUSSIA IF THEY CAN--THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE WILL BE BETTER OFF WITH A COMEDIAN RUNNING THEM THAN A THUG. Do you feel better? Let him take over North Korea too. I've commented on something political. You have. Thank you. [exits]