Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Herr D Declares A Solid 'Meh' On Two Issues, Declares Two Improbable Events Desirable

"The Ordinary Tour" by Herr D on Paint 3D. Priorities, as well as facts, should occasionally be re-examined.-Shelob


You have not commented on the cocaine found in the White House.

You tend to comment on major political events.

I don't think of that as a political event. It was a public area? You react as if you think someone just brought it in with a tour.

How would we know otherwise? Unless they found evidence to the contrary. I tend to wait for evidence to make up my mind. There have been dead people found in my county, but I'm not guilty of murder. The last three people who owned my home are dead too, and -- so what? They were old. If you want me to comment on a political event, bring me a political event. The new Barbie movie is being criticized for left leanings.

[snort] Okay, it's a movie. Right wingers hold seminars and speeches and do things too. So what? What does it mean that Hollywood is criticized for being too 'woke?'

I'd say that means that the people most capable of working on and with teams of highly skilled people to produce the most entertaining, money-making products available with the highest budgets and the most fame lean to  the left. Time was that Hollywood moguls were all Republican and wouldn't produce the scripts we have today. WHO CARES? Apparently not you.

Right! [exits to chess game] [opens chatbox again] And the attack on Russia by the Ukraine?

[sharp inhalation] Let the crime fit the punishment? Putin's been accusing them of wanting to do that forever! Let them scare him a little! He deserves it--he's a despot. LET UKRAINE TAKE OVER RUSSIA IF THEY CAN--THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE WILL BE BETTER OFF WITH A COMEDIAN RUNNING THEM THAN A THUG. Do you feel better?  Let him take over North Korea too. I've commented on something political. You have. Thank you. [exits]

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thank You, Yogi Berra, For The Good Luck?

"Superstition" by Herr D, made to order on Paint 3D. More custom pics ordered soon.-Shelob

[opens chatbox, interrupting chess game] It has been thirteen days since your last entry.

[startle reaction] 13? I like 13. What's that fear of 13 called? Triskaidekaphobia.

What do you call it if you LIKE it? Triskaidekaphilia, by current projections and Latin-oriented websites. There is no official diagnosis of it publicly noted.

Well, I don't [cough] need to be DIAGNOSED. I just like it. Why?

I've had really good luck with it. This does not compute.

It is noted as a number that brings bad luck.

Well, it can't be THAT easy. Then probability would be a certainty! A conflict of definitions does seem inevitable. How do you avoid becoming superstitious?

I just remember it's bad luck to be superstitious. That does not compute either.

It's a joke, Shelob. Well, and it's philosophical. Yogi Berra said it years ago. Please explain.

If you look for bad luck, you'll find it, because people always find what they're looking for. Understood. How did thirteen bring you good luck?

I would follow superstitious people, sometimes accidentally, to good fortune that they avoided out of fear. You used their fear to your benefit.

Sometimes with their full knowledge. This computes. [exits]

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Supreme Not So Supreme, Suggests Herr D; Go Deluxe, Says Shelob


"Headcut" by Herr D on Paint3D. Decision's superiority is frequently inversely proportional to speed of conception.-Shelob

You do not agree with action of Supreme Court?

No. You did not like Affirmative Action Program.

No. Then why do you disagree?

This wasn't any better a call, it was WORSE.  Please explain.

[groaning noise picked up over microphone] Ok. The AAP made it possible for people with lower scores to get into college if they happened to be of certain races. It was just as racist as people who deny people things based on race, and then it didn't really help people. Based upon?

I went to college. Most of the people IN college didn't belong there. Giving people a leg up with admissions scores was never the answer. Not allowing people to help their relatives get in might've helped. Not allowing athletic scholarships might've helped. Not paying so much for professorships might've helped. Not paying so much to administrations might've helped. Maybe improving the educations of kids BEFORE #^&!@#%^& COLLEGE might've helped. If every kid could have an equal chance of learning how to get those test scores, there never would've been a perceived need for AAP in the first place.

AAP is kind of like free bus passes to someone who lives five miles from the bus line and has to use a wheelchair with no sidewalk. It never really fit the need. So, why not end it?

I don't mind that they ended it; I mind that they abruptly ended it. Give people a chance to get used to the idea. Phase it out slowly! Eventually it was going to go away anyway. Don't yank the bus passes away from someone who's rolled halfway there with the family's grocery list! You are favoring slower change.

Yes! Understood. Please resume chess game. [exits]