Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Restoration Occurring; Your Patience Appreciated

"Let's Be Fair" by Herr D on Paint3d. This is some sort of metaphor.-Shelob

 [Herr D still does not know about Russian hackers, is getting used to dying cousin's computer--chatbox opens on his screen] Hello. Time to blog?

I can't even.  Please elaborate.

The GOP is trying to impeach Biden without even finding any wrongdoing? Not limiting to within-term? Do they WANT Trump to be tried for EVERYTHING he's done?  Please explain views on Boebert clip.

Well, I don't care about her dating life. I don't care if she wants to get all hot and heavy if no kids are watching. Vaping or smoking in front of a pregnant lady is about as awful a thing to do as could be done. Getting thrown out of a public show is a bad look for an elected official . . . I wish I were surprised.

She doesn't have the class, poise, or intelligence to even surprise me. That's kind of sad.

I'd say business as usual for the GOP. Biden is slacking off a bit, busy with the Ukraine, where some of this blogs biggest fans are-- Numbers up again. Over 1000 views in one 24-hour period for the fourth time.

[exhalation, possible expression of surprise] That's nice. I hope the war gets better for you guys, if that's even possible. I wouldn't mind seeing you win ALL OF RUSSIA. It's about time they were run well. I might have time to make some art for this blog--Shelob? Look for it in a few hours. Will do. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Please Stand By

💬✋💨💜  Emoticons selected from blogspot menu. 2 symbols to stand by, one for hurrying, one for the lost machine. Please grieve appropriately.

[ Herr D received dying cousin's laptop by special delivery yesterday. Laptop being remotely upgraded by lair's protocols to approximately match Herr D's old laptop. Process still underway.]

Please stand by for possible blog resumption.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Truth Or Daring Young Men On The Flying Trap-Please?

😕 "Confused Face" by emojis selection committee.                                                                        Some things do not make sense.--Shelob

 Russian hackers have destroyed Herr D's personal computer and phone. Herr D's company has shut down all direct internet traffic on premises until certain cybercrimes have abated or been handled by the correct authority. Herr D is largely, therefore, offline.

It is a point of confusion that a progressive question has arisen.

1. Why would anyone deliberately choose to work as a mercenary?

2. Why would anyone deliberately choose to work as a mercenary for Vladimir Putin?

3. Why would anyone deliberately choose to continue to work for Putin after working for him once and being allowed to travel abroad?

4. Why would anyone deliberately choose to attempt a coup against Putin, when his own country does not value their country enough to oust him as a bad leader?

5. Why would anyone deliberately choose to return to Putin's vicinity after attempting a coup against him?

6. How can we believe any bit of news that comes out of Russia?

Very little of this makes any sense. Blog awaits comment, input.