"Let's Be Fair" by Herr D on Paint3d. This is some sort of metaphor.-Shelob
[Herr D still does not know about Russian hackers, is getting used to dying cousin's computer--chatbox opens on his screen] Hello. Time to blog?
I can't even. Please elaborate.
The GOP is trying to impeach Biden without even finding any wrongdoing? Not limiting to within-term? Do they WANT Trump to be tried for EVERYTHING he's done? Please explain views on Boebert clip.
Well, I don't care about her dating life. I don't care if she wants to get all hot and heavy if no kids are watching. Vaping or smoking in front of a pregnant lady is about as awful a thing to do as could be done. Getting thrown out of a public show is a bad look for an elected official . . . I wish I were surprised.
She doesn't have the class, poise, or intelligence to even surprise me. That's kind of sad.
I'd say business as usual for the GOP. Biden is slacking off a bit, busy with the Ukraine, where some of this blogs biggest fans are-- Numbers up again. Over 1000 views in one 24-hour period for the fourth time.
[exhalation, possible expression of surprise] That's nice. I hope the war gets better for you guys, if that's even possible. I wouldn't mind seeing you win ALL OF RUSSIA. It's about time they were run well. I might have time to make some art for this blog--Shelob? Look for it in a few hours. Will do.