Tuesday, October 29, 2024

WWJD? Not Pass Laws, Says Herr D


"Modern Moses" by Herr D on Paint3d. Many believe less is more in law.-Shelob

[insert from chat] No. Does this qualify you as a 'NeverTrumper?'

I'm not sure that would cover it. I never want a felon in the White House. I never want anyone but a mature adult for our president. I never want a corrupt judge on the Supreme Court. At last count I didn't want about 3/4 of Congress and 1/10 of our governors. Would you run for office?

I'd consider it, but last I looked, I'm not popular enough as a person to bother. I'd be a great addition to a cabinet, advisory board, etc.--of course, I DO  have some familial obligations first. You have said you are not rich enough or free enough. Is that still accurate?

Yes. Your stance on abortion is not clear.

I think the government needs to step out of it entirely. Because?

Because it is a religious choice. You are religious.

Yes, but Jesus never ruled on Earth! When people were torturing and killing him, they MOCKED  him by calling him "King of the Jews." When you ask, "What would Jesus do?" you CAN'T say "build a theocracy." Being an American means letting people be free. Being a Christian means leading by example. Restricting freedom unnecessarily is UN-AMERICAN. Edging this country toward a theocracy, even a Christian one, is UN-CHRISTIAN. The Religious Right might be religious, but they ain't right! You sound like some of your ruling style would be to rule less. 

There ARE loads of laws to purge from the books. That could take a couple of terms, minimum. So you would be busy.

[sigh] Just like now. Gotta go. One last thing--your reason for telling everyone to vote?

If you don't vote, you risk letting the crazy minority win. Thank you.

yw [exits]

Saturday, October 19, 2024

It's Time To Get Scary


"Voting Masks" by Herr D. Odd, that the traditionally deceptive would even notice masks.-Shelob


Well, that happened . . .  [scans terminal history] You are reading a company policy.

No, I'm reading the HISTORY of my company's new policy. They declared no one can come as a president or past president or country leader, past or present, of any country. I was sympathetic to Sam, who likes to come as Abe Lincoln. Sam is tall. He has a black beard--it's a good look for him. I said I'd arm him for a protest meeting if I could. Now I know he has little hope. Why, then?

Some dope among our admins was reading in the private chatrooms where he's not supposed to, and read that "A Trump '25' mask would be really scary." Would it not be scary?

He didn't want that at the party. Then another admin pointed out that Hitler, Mao, Putin, Kim Jong Un, Pol Pot, etc., should be in the same class. From there it mushroomed into absurdity. [snort] I ought to tell Sam to go as an admin holding a crystal ball. That would be scary? Perhaps the insight would improve their behavior?

Not likely. They should have wrote 'no controversial figures in current events.' That would have done it. What will you tell Sam?

Just that. Very few people can't admire AL. Thank you.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

And So It Goes . . .


"Aim Higher" by Herr D on Paint3d. Mob rule rules right when it needs left.-Herr D

Why . . . did you show me this? You were watching the same content by Hannity.

This is the same nonsense. By somebody who was fired or something. 'Or something.' Watters is less popular, and thus, is more subject to punishment for fraud.

I'd love it if people would get punished for fraud just for not making it plain they ARE A PUNDIT. An amazing number of people I've spoken to didn't even realize there was a difference between a journalist and a pundit. More than one of them said "What's a pundit?" Who did they think they were watching?

The news! That's what I'm saying! A surprising number of people think that their entertainment is news. Style not match error.

[snort] Yes. Trump fans are still nuts and more likely to vote than anyone. 3rd-party enthusiasts are more likely to waste their vote than usual. KH fans are capable of saving us from four more disastrous years even if she turns out to NOT be a good prez.  What are the odds of her being a good president?

Keeping Trump out would automatically mean she's an average prez, because it would mean she carried the office sanely and with charisma. Odds are heavily against people being happy with her, because Trump fans will make everyone unhappy as much as they can. Being pro-union and pro-middle class means some high-powered business people are going to bias all their advertisements against her and pay influencers to yell and moan about her. Since KH is a stateswoman, rather than a wicked salesman gifted at talking himself up, all the sheeple out there are just going to hate her.

Then there's historically the presidency in general. Presidents who work hard, do the right thing, make a difference, get America out of trouble, and fulfill their campaign promises usually get voted out after their first term and have people miss them after it's too late. They also face more complaints, fairly AND unfairly, than the others. So the better she does, the more complaints there will be?

Yes. It would appear the American public does not know what is good for them.

THAT is why Obama tricked Congress into passing the ACA thirty years after Hillary Clinton tried to reform health care, thirty years LATE. And has heard little but complaints about it. We still need to do a LOT of tort reform and improve Obamacare rather than wait till it's forty years overdue again. Thank you.