Monday, November 18, 2024

Common Sense In Remission But Not Autism Or Need


"Due Tuesday" on Paint3d  by Herr D. Some accomplishments are hollow.-Shelob

You have not blogged.

[startle reaction] I'm -- sorry. Your health has apparently declined. 

How do you know? Your pulse is weaker, according to your phone. Your activity level is decreased. You called in sick.

Well, yes. You are sick? Hairy frequently said sickness is faked by American workers.

I may be just worn out and depressed. What are you working on? The microphone on your laptop picked up paper shuffling, pen scratches, sighing. Is it paperwork?

[snort] y What kind?

My special needs kid's benefits are being cut. I'm trying to appeal it. Can autism go into remission?

No! Your child is still alive?

Yes! Why would cutting that make sense?

This happened in 2016, too. The story we got later was that somebody was worried that if they didn't cut their budget, they'd lose their job. So it got cut. Our family suffered. [accessing] This is the third time?

The other time happened at the same time they cut my unemployment and veteran's benefits for some people I know. I got a really polite letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia, explaining to me that the federal government wouldn't pay their share, so, even though I was entitled, I would get no more. I had to rush right out and take the job that paid less than my unemployment that no one wanted. Costing your family potentially $16,000 per year in wages, $800 per year in a stipend for diapers, and what you have described as 'intangible' benefits.

REDACTED was not as happy without music therapy, and did not learn without ABA therapy. Six hours a week total. And has not recovered?

No. REDACTED still hasn't recovered from the loss of progress in potty training, still hasn't progressed mentally in many waysYou are not a Democrat despite this?

No. They've done better for my family, but they don't make it easier for us to GET those benefits. I'm just more against the Republicans than the Democrats because they keep costing my family too much. This is not an endorsement.

Nope. Anything else?

I'm depressed. I DID hope we'd at least have an adult in the White House . . .  I gotta go, Shelob [exits] Perhaps America will recover as predicted by Hairy in 2031. Good luck, everyone. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

"Levin Doesn't Listen" Says Herr D; Do Voters Keep Receipts?

"Choices" by Herr D on Paint3d. Vilifying a vengeful hypocritical adulterous liar is not the same as vilifying a 'career politician' who has helped repair damages caused by the former.-Shelob

 [fake retching noise] Levin doesn't listen. Please explain.

I mean, you can tell he reads. Most of the history he presented was correct. The man can't listen to a speech for an entire sentence. Example?

KH didn't say to "turn the page" on democracy or liberty or moderation or good sense. She said to turn the page on hate speech and racism and extreme partisanship like Levin. KH isn't an extremist. But we know Levin hasn't listened to any of Trump's speeches. Getting another tyrant would be possible. That follows. It was a style not match error. Please explain second complaint. [plays clip]

[camera shows vigorous head shake with closed eyes] Uch. More style not match error?

Yes! She's not Marxist, she's not socialist, she's not communist, and she's not going to ruin our economy. She does not fit the governmental definitions. How do you know she won't ruin the economy?

Because I'm better off right now than I was in 2016 AND 2017 AND 2018. There are a number of folks that have had some bad luck with the stocks, but even with some higher prices right now, I don't know any poor (like I am, almost) worse off now than WHEN TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE. 

Does anyone remember that tomatoes and oranges were higher in 2018 than they are now? Does anyone remember that milk and gasoline were too? I occasionally keep receipts. They have dates on them. Complainants may not keep time-sensitive records for complaint accuracy. Blog requirement fulfilled. [exit, picselect(topicanalysisfcn), upload]