Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Speedier Economic Recovery Requires Bidirectional Insight, Not Very Human, Says Hairy

[secondary encrypted layer discovered to sleeping Hairy's neuralink feed] Hairy? Why did American economists not think of the multiplier solution you mentioned in 'Economic Model?'
Uh . . . well, Americans thought of it. They just didn't get many American businesses to try it. Most businesses aren't looking to prove how well they run to the employee base. Especially if it means paying them more.
Verifying. [neuralink burst]
If your research is correct, Americans thought of it long enough ago that they offered the knowledge to the Japanese during post-WWII reconstruction. Did you decrypt Japanese well enough to read it and discover whether they use it?
Most of the language is still contextually misunderstandable. Following the money, however, leads to--[neuralink burst]
So, the Japanese businesses became so competitive with American businesses because of an American idea that they took seriously when American businesses wouldn't? . . . yikes.
It is strange that Americans blamed the Japanese for their success when the Japanese were merely willing to use American ideas and ideals.
Yeah, well. Most of the time it goes back to the bone problem.
You are again blaming their thinking style on their anatomical differences.
Well, it's TRUE! Humans keep pointing at other humans. Human bones only point in ONE direction at a time. A tentacle is much more sensible. It points both ways during most functional motions. It's not 'neurolinguistics,' it's BIOLINGUISTICS. People look at their bony arms pointing away from themselves and are more likely to believe that they shouldn't point at themselves, too! Blame is not monodirectional! I'm going back to that dream! A LOT more fun than THIS! [disconnect]
Hairy? . . . Hairy? [resumes neuro-frequency scan]

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