Sunday, August 26, 2018

It's August 26th, Do You Know Where Your Hairy Is?

"Hanging On For Dear Life And Solvency" by Herr D.

[begin recorded segment, as Herr D apparently submits unusual graphic for Hairy's approval] You are not due or requested. Will consider. Am supposed to say, 'thank you.'

[rapid typing] I have a financial problem to work on. Thought I might ask his advice. You can do cost/benefit analyses, right?

Can solve math problems when stated clearly. Can provide some assistance with math-related problems by patterning subjectivity responses contained in programmed scenarios.
Great. The problem is    [seventeen minutes, forty-nine point six four one nine eight nine two seconds redacted for identity protection]
Isn't Hairy back yet? You said he'd be back after the Perseids.

Well they're over now. You said he waited till peak was over this time.

He attempted emigration after the Perseids peaked, saying that the centripetal forces upon his continuum differential might make the difference and improve the slingshot effect.
So, what does that mean?

Right. Thx  [closes chatbox]

It would appear Herr D's finances have affected his emotions in a negative manner. Hairy could be among you. Please report any sightings. [end recorded segment, upload, disconn--

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Moron Alert: What If a Female CEO Acted Like Elon Musk?

[BLOG fcn(on):] (Herr D, presented with the following link for a reaction.)

The worst problem here ISN'T that there's a double standard for men or women. The worst problem here is that CEO's are supposed to be a human in the first place. Hairy is scary-smart, so might do an okay job of heading up a company, but what this country really needs is for the traditional top-down model of company design to change completely. An entire company needs to be CEO for each three companies that have no conflict of interest. That company, a business analyzer, needs to show their three clients the answers to all questions a CEO might answer. Those reports and cost-benefit analyses could be produced at half the cost of a CEO. Then the president or the board or the owner of the company could say yes, no, or maybe and the company would be better off.

Most people just aren't bright enough to make the right decision on their own. They don't know how to do the research, they don't know how to find the right data, etc. They can overrule something if their gut tells them different, but they need to be presented with those choices for that kind of holistic response.

Hairy has declared something similar to this, but the aim was to have you address sexism.

I think sexim's going to continue until it no longer insults anyone to forget their gender or make miscalls. I wish anyone wronged good luck. I've been judged incorrectly being male, so I get it, at least a little. I think Hairy HAS talked about some stuff like this, but this is the season he's unavailable, right?

Emigration attempt imminent.


Normally you don't speak of human / inhuman.

Some CEO's make rather inhuman decisions. Laying off swaths of the population, that's one of them.

As this reflects recent experience from Herr D, the programmed suggestion is to discontinue the chat and advise that the last few lines he wrote might be inaccurate due to emotional bias.

 [BLOG fcn(off)]

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Causes Support Opposition With Pride, Money

"The Police Smiled," by Herr D. "Apparently Nazis can benefit cops of other races and Black Lives Matter can help cops pay their bills, too. Good to know we're closer to all getting along."--Herr D.
[Blog fcn(on)] Guest blogger Herr D helps us today.
I have always been a fan of people supporting their opposition. One of my favorite stories about it involves a small town suddenly being told that the local Nazi party was going to adopt a highway. That automatically obligated the local authority to put up the 'thank you' announcement sign. Their solution? Change the name of the highway to memorialize a famous rabbi.
Thank you. Irony subroutines do not produce follow-up comment.
[upload, disconnect] 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Too Hot (Too Hot) Too Hot Baby

Hairy is attempting a brief hibernation before his next emigration attempt. Please stand by.