Saturday, December 15, 2018

There's A Hole Through The Arctic, Dear Hairy, Dear Hairy

[Blog fcn(on)]
[deep-gill laughter] That's just priceless! I needed a  laugh!
What is the source of humor?
You just said that Trump can't close the border completely! [guffaw]
Statistically impossible, as no human federal, military, or local administration has ever built any wall that people could not get around somehow.
Well, not only THAT--he's opening the Northwest Passage! [more laughter, bubble clouding without caution]
[rapid calculation] Indirectly, he is in fact contributing to that opening with his current political stance. So not only is he unable to close his own country's border, he is opening another country's. This does fit computational irony as you have programmed it. Perhaps now Russia can ship oil to Canada and America quickly and cheaply. Maddow's theory on Russia's motives now have another unexpected ingredient.

[all five eyes widen] Um? Well?! At least I'll have a lot more places to hide while humanity dies out. Emigration from exactly magnetic north might work, mightn't it?

Calculating. [Blog fcn(off)]

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