Wednesday, January 29, 2020

God Loves Aliens Too

"Hey, They Promised Me A Ride" by Herr D on

[excerpted from chat with Herr D]
1. You were never asked how the notion of extraterrestrial life affects your religious beliefs.
2. You have listed your religion as Quaker\Protestant\Christian.
3. A recent article has declared Christianity to be the least capable of alien acceptance.
4. You have not mentioned cognitive dissonance in your entire history of chat with Hairy.

How do you explain this disparity?

[pause, probable snort] Uh, I guess I'd have to say that number three is a bad source. Don't pay any attention to that.

That would resolve the disparity. How do you feel about Hairy?

Don't you think it's a little late to be asking me whether I can accept aliens? I've been communicating with Hairy since 2012?

This article was published online today.

Okay then. I suppose I should start by saying that I don't always believe you. It's easier to believe you when I'm tired. Then there's the fact that I don't take for granted certain things that other people do.

Examples, please.

Just because God created us, does that have ANYTHING to do with what God did elsewhere? A case could be made for God not thinking aliens were any of our business.

A project not being aware of another project. 

Exactly. God didn't promise there would be no aliens. So la de da.

So religion does not necessarily contradict extraterrestrial life?


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Clickbait Solution Uncertain; Writers Aren't Good Enough, Says Shelob

"Odd Lecture" by Herr D on Clickbait writing is largely incompetent.--Shelob

You wanted a blog topic? I need to sleep.

Why don't you talk about clickbait? There's a lot of it. Here. I'll click on 'new tab' and you can see that, right?
Yes. Proceed.

[pause] Okay, I've put that window over to the right. From what I can see, there's ten.
Screen capture shows ten headings.

[pause] Items 2, 5, 7, and 9 look like ads.
Agreed. Displaying:

How To Secure A Spring Microservices Architecture With OAuth

Play Forge Of Empires For Free

Say Goodbye To Micromanagement With

Better, Smarter Home Security

You won't get rid of micromanagement until you get rid of micromanagers.
The website reassigns managers?

No. It compartmentalizes instructions, as far as I know.
[pause for .00000000072 seconds, during analysis] It assists micromanaging. It is a false ad.

Ha. Okay? Run down logical errors in the others?
[pause for .00000006108 seconds, during analysis] Statistical errors in the following: Article 1--

How Japan Eradicated Gun Crime

Like what?
There is no analysis of population size or density to compare quantities of gun-related incidents. There is no analysis of the Iceland exception mentioned in the article. No explanation of why it doesn't fit their theory. There is obvious reporting error concerning the Yakuza. There is no statistical allowance for honor as a cultural value. There are no statistics concerning comparisons of other violent crimes. There IS data (existing, not here,) that suggests that the Japanese people manage to kill more people with blades than the American people do with guns.

Yikes. How about article 3?

How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Actually Need?  Has insufficient bibliography for reference checks. It also does not appear to correctly address individual need or provide any useful information.

Yikes again. 4?
If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Says it references new research. New research is not needed to know the answer to this. Hairy has no money. You have very little. Your bank account is remarkably empty. You have both been alive for more than twenty years.

Yeah, thanks. Does the article mention luck?

Does it mention that great salespeople are frequently stupid?

Why would YOU say the correlation isn't there?
You do not live in a meritocracy or anything resembling a culture that rewards intelligence or any other virtue, specifically.

True. Does 6 include anything that poor people couldn't do?
19 Things Future Multimillionaires Do In Their 20's  includes several things that poor people may not be able to do, depending upon how poor they are. Luck is not sufficiently covered in this article.
Do I do the others?
Yes, you did. You even showed the conscientiousness to correct grammar, like the author did not.

So it doesn't work. 8?
Unraveling The Enigma Of Reason spends several paragraphs exploring definitions. Does not appear useful.

Wow. I'm going to bed. Go ahead and publish your criticisms. [exits]

Friday, January 10, 2020

"Already Was A Reprisal" Many Suffered On Both Sides

"Opposing forces" by Shelob from available special characters.

So, you have not commented upon the recent assassination of the Iranian general.

No, I haven't.

You have nothing to say about whether he may have been plotting against America?

No, I don't.

You have not commented upon whether it was wise.

I suppose you want me to?


Wisdom has nothing to do with 'our current President.' As to this particular action--if there aren't any reprisals, or the reprisals turn out to be less than he would have caused anyway, then it was cagey. I don't know.

Anything else?

Murder is never right. Of course nations do it all the time in their own interests.

Would you approve of the reprisals?

No. But really, this already WAS a reprisal. He'd been killing and maiming Americans for what, decades? He never had to target America. He's lucky he didn't wind up at Guantanamo Bay back when there was (or was more) waterboarding. His family should be grateful the Israelis didn't get him. THEY would've made everyone that cared about him afraid. There would have been no possibility of reprisals because no one would have figured out what happened. He got off easy, dying quickly, unlike the soldiers he sent into battle. Some of them took days to die. Some of the wounded on both sides were never the same. Some of those that suffered at his hands were Iranian.

The real tragedy is that no one involved in this anywhere is mature enough and wise enough to say "I'm out, go away with your bad self and let's just be enemies peaceably."

Thank you. Your oft-quoted philosophy is that 'an eye for an eye means we've all gone blind.'