0 $↻ .*⇶⍐ (One year no money yields better function.)-titlebot, italicsbot
Understood. When you did not go to heromachine or a game site for forty hours, italicsbot pointed out you were behaving out of set. Your employment was listed as a priority by Hairy. Did you look at the recent recorded entry?
No! I--[redacted]
[returning after reading] That's a good one. I enjoyed that. I've actually done that bottle trick with tater tots in Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.
Were you asked to leave a diner?
I did it at home, so no. He ate ketchup on brownies?
Uncertain. His memory had recently been deeply affected by strobing.
. . . Right. [probable both-eye roll]
Have you watched the news lately?
Yeah, another man wrongfully killed by police. That stuff is awful. I wish I thought protesting made change. It CAN bring attention to an issue, but it doesn't really seem to change it. When the KKK marched at Virginia Tech, I made sure to avoid the area. I didn't want anyone to think I supported them or that they deserved any attention. Racism really is nothing more than judging a book by its cover. Foolishness.
Historically, protests are recorded as succeeding.
Yeah, but that's history. Nowadays things are a bit different. Maybe instead of marching or standing in the way until a few troublemakers give the police an excuse to act against all of the protestors, something else could be done.
Do you have a suggestion? Hairy has noted you are creative.
[possible startle reaction, by agitation of laptop] Well--huh. Yeah, I've got one. The police call my house often. They want donations. Everyone start saying 'no' until we haven't had one of these deaths for a whole year. Tell them why on the phone. The police act like they can police themselves. Let them show us they can.
One year of no deaths?
No, a year of no unarmed, handcuffed people being killed by the police in the 50 states of America and DC, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Then everyone donate once. Then no donations until a year passes with no public outcry about police shooting someone with their hands up. Money is a great motivator. It's a hell of a lot better than getting tear-gassed or shot with a rubber bullet. Or arrested. I gotta go, Shelob. More work. [exits]
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