Wednesday, November 18, 2020

At 20K Per Day, He's No Hit Man, Says Herr D; Blood Money For Oily Politicians?

Free giraffe photo: Don't stick your neck out.-Shelob.

😈 $

 Shelob?! I figured it out.


Trump's motive for not conceding. For the mess he's making now.

Share, please?

Money. His supporters are sending him money to keep this up. Giuliani is hoping for 20k / day. Post THAT, huh? He's essentially killing people for money, now.

Does he qualify as a hit man?

[pause] No, he is targeting randomly. That's a mercenary, I guess.

This qualifies as something too important to wait for more style and humor. [posting--

Sunday, November 15, 2020

One Funny, One Cool

Shelob? Can you post these for me? I'm still having trouble with the software.


Thank you! The link has some neat jewelry on it--I don't have Facebook, so I get kicked out of it . . .

"Moo Roar's Count Vs. Trump" uncertain artist.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Oh NO She Didn't! Fake News! Watch Out For Your Kids!

"Blip Tells A Lie" by Herr D on


I listened, horrified, at my kid's laptop as it switched over from the youtube video that the teacher designated, to a woman claiming she was a military expert and an important religious figure. The woman claimed that Biden stole the election, that our Republic was being 'dismantled.'

I didn't get a good look at the file identifiers, but, parents? Check in on what your teens are watching. Some of them will be voting in four years. Don't let the naive be swayed by people pretending to be religious but hating the truth. Don't let your children be fooled. 

JOURNALISTS are responsible for truth. NOT INTERNET WACKOS. Check worldwide sources. Compare stories by CNN, BBC, wire services. They can be prosecuted for deliberately leaving it wrong. Their legal departments see reporters fired for too much inaccuracy.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Biden's First Seeds Planted, Blooming Genius, Budding Reporter


"Ethologist And Anchor" by Herr D on heromachine.

 Yeah, Shelob, I'm actually doing REPORTING now. I didn't plan on that. Thank you for the expediting?

You are welcome.

You can explain the plan?

The plan is simple:

1. Examine a subset of phenomena according to pre-programmed categorical data.

2.  Notice contact information access to data.

3. Gain permission to contact.

4. Contact with requests for data.

5. Wait.

I meant the categories.

Medical data potentially related to PTSD caused by Trump administration. Please continue. Explain contacts.

So, I work at this federal contractor. The same delivery people bring food to us as to the local hospital. Last year, when several deliveries had swapped items, I got our security guard to call their security station and verify that deliveries had arrived. That begun, we got phone calls back and a few people wrote down their direct dial phone numbers for us to call and ask about deliveries if it happened again.

It did.

I became acquainted, swapping deliveries, with a doctor, seven radiology techs, and two nurses over the course of a year. Apparently restaurants will sometimes just staple the wrong driver information to a similarly-sized order. Then, as I was complaining about delivery food, Shelob pointed out that data suggests we could note effects from the election on the local population. So I made the phone calls and asked. Where did you get that data?

Their ER website has population size tracking.

Okay? The doctor, three techs, and both nurses made time to answer. The geriatric specialist said she had time to talk, because the ER doctors had been the busy ones until the election ended. The techs and nurses shortcut their answers because they had short breaks. Only one person among them had voted for Trump. He changed his mind based on Trump's performance related to COVID 19. None of them were able to deny reality when their occupation is based on the same science. They sound a bit like MY office. 


I asked each one to give me an idea of their work volume by date, by category, and to provide me their interpretations. That way, I got their bias straight up. I tabulated it with Shelob's help.

The doctor told me that most of her patients were either out of it (dementia, etc.) or hypervigilant about the news. The Trump supporters more frequently cautiously polite to or acted out against racial minorities, including well-tanned Caucasian nurses by mistake. They did not exhibit agitation that the other patients had until the election was half over. Agitation swapped patients, apparently. The two nurses disagreed on everything to the point I don't think I should believe either of them. They spoke with authority on everything from diagnoses and population to the dates things happened. They had the same bias, but disagreed about EVERYTHING else.

The three techs were interesting. Tech A said she was surprised that the violent crimes, including suicide, peaked right before the election and practically disappeared right after Biden won. She knew that barfights would be that way, along with drunk driving, but the rest surprised her. Tech B didn't understand why we weren't already seeing revenge violence against Democrats, but expected the rest. Tech C just shook his head and didn't expect any of it. He was just disappointed. He also voiced that liberals "wouldn't bother getting back at Trump supporters, they would just go do their own thing."

Politics make strange behavior.

You're right!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Swing States And A Miss


"Jive Turkey" by Herr D on heromachine. Herr D doesn't often talk about family and politics together. The backstory here is interesting.-Shelob

You have not fully explained the history you have with Trump's political career. 

I didn't? [pause] My littlest daughter was six. I hadn't been talking politics with her at all. It was spring, 2015, and I still thought Hairy was wrong, predicting Trump would win. She was playing in the hallway, and I thought I'd try to find My Little Pony for her. I turned on the t.v. Trump was ranting. She stepped around to look at the t.v. She frowned at it, listening while I fumbled the remote.

"He's lying," she said, "What's that man doing?"

I was stunned. I didn't even know what he was saying or who he was talking about. MY thought was something like "My sweet little girl KNOWS POLITICIANS LIE!" I felt pride in her growing mind.

"He's running for president, honey. How do you know he's lying?" I was all prepared for her to tell me she knew politicians did that, or that she knew who he was. That's not what happened.

She said, "He's saying everybody ELSE is lying." My heart sank. She knew because she had done the same thing. I'd had to punish her for it. Then it got worse! Little miss said, "If he becomes president, will it be okay to lie?"

"No! Then it'll be WORSE."  I knew right then, though all I knew about Trump was that he was a rich idiot who could sell ice to Inuits, that I owed it to my daughter to vote against him. I owed it to her to talk nicely, but disapprovingly, of him. I think I've done that. I also knew not to expect much from him that was honest or intelligent or worth the time of our nation. 

Because of that, I've rarely been as shocked or disappointed as anyone about Trump's antics.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

We All Need . . .


"Hanging On For Dear Life And Solvency" by Herr D on heromachine.

While it is too late for me to influence anyone's vote, I want to talk a little about electors.  The reasoning most people talk about when they talk about why we have them is balance. In theory, balancing high population vs. low, city vs. rural, etc., means it would be harder to under-represent one group or another.

What people DON'T talk about is that our forefathers didn't believe the average voter is smart enough to make a good decision. Back when almost all the voters were rich older white men, spread out around the country with very slow means of travel, communication, and shipping, there were no variances in demographics to speak of.  Also, fooling a larger part of the population would have been easier to do consistently.

Now, the very concept of neighborhoods is passing away. A radicalized domestic terrorist might form from one of the more naive, highly sequestered people in an apartment building otherwise full of patriots. It is illegal to keep a neighborhood or a hotel or an apartment complex racially pure on purpose. Sometimes people group themselves that way anyway, but it should never be done by an authority figure.

Trump's master plan in 2016 was successful. He marketed himself successfully to weighted groups to outdo the popular vote. Certain foreign influences assisted him. (Collusion or not, they helped him by marketing him.) Naive, angry, disenfranchised, and low-I.Q. people flocked to him. Others joined in.

Anyone who pays attention can tell things aren't going any better with him in charge. Trump fans have consistently blamed everyone except Trump for things getting worse, for his promises not being kept, for anything they could. 

Unemployment was down, but underemployment was way, way up. Financial, emotional, and even racial stress has multiplied. Instances of rioting, failures to listen to advice that would save lives, needless controversies about subjects, and presidential lies have all become more commonplace.

It is now possible to manipulate the system easier than individual voters. He is a master marketer and a rubbish president. We need a statesman. We need someone who can work well with others.

We ALL need a cuppa Joe.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Scary Inefficient Is Not Less Scary, Apparently


"Deep Trouble" by Herr D on

 Well, Halloween is over again. 

Were you scared?

No. Fortunately.

Why not?

It was a holiday. I didn't even watch news. That WOULD'VE scared me.

Do you wish to run numbers?

Of what?

Scary things.

[deep exhalation] why not. What do you suggest?

Deaths. Comparison of charisma vs. killing.


Name an event from the past.

[pause] The Jonestown Massacre. But I don't think death tolls tell that much. Bring in some other data?

[.0000000000000007 second pause]That would be 918 initially dead, uncertain suicide rate afterwards. 400 plus likely complicit. Another past event?

Well, September 11th?

[.0000000000000007 second pause]2994 initially dead, uncertain cancer and suicide rate afterwards. Uncertain number of complicit. Estimate minimum 200.

That high? 

Various factors include long-distance planning, convincing collaborators, maintenance, supplies, communications, etc.

That sounds involved. Okay.

Present or extreme recent event as third data point?


Per U.S.?


Likely more than 300,000 by year's end. Uncertain continuing pandemic rate. 62.9 million complicit.

Okay, that's scary. How accurate is it?

By comparison, a true pandemic would still likely end in over 100,000 dead total, even with Obama's pandemic playbook followed to the letter. What Hairy used to call the 'blame game' would mean our president is responsible for decisions resulting in deaths exceeding one quarter million. 62.9 million people voted for him and presumably most of them will vote for him again, refuse to wear masks at critical moments, etc., making them complicit. There would be additional people guilty by association. Certain foreign elements worked to elect him.

Pure accuracy might be approximated at +/-7%.

Okay. What does all that mean? I don't see anything useful about these calculations.

Humanity is not becoming more efficient at conspiracy?

[pause] Well THAT'S hopeful, at least. [exits]