Thursday, November 5, 2020

Swing States And A Miss


"Jive Turkey" by Herr D on heromachine. Herr D doesn't often talk about family and politics together. The backstory here is interesting.-Shelob

You have not fully explained the history you have with Trump's political career. 

I didn't? [pause] My littlest daughter was six. I hadn't been talking politics with her at all. It was spring, 2015, and I still thought Hairy was wrong, predicting Trump would win. She was playing in the hallway, and I thought I'd try to find My Little Pony for her. I turned on the t.v. Trump was ranting. She stepped around to look at the t.v. She frowned at it, listening while I fumbled the remote.

"He's lying," she said, "What's that man doing?"

I was stunned. I didn't even know what he was saying or who he was talking about. MY thought was something like "My sweet little girl KNOWS POLITICIANS LIE!" I felt pride in her growing mind.

"He's running for president, honey. How do you know he's lying?" I was all prepared for her to tell me she knew politicians did that, or that she knew who he was. That's not what happened.

She said, "He's saying everybody ELSE is lying." My heart sank. She knew because she had done the same thing. I'd had to punish her for it. Then it got worse! Little miss said, "If he becomes president, will it be okay to lie?"

"No! Then it'll be WORSE."  I knew right then, though all I knew about Trump was that he was a rich idiot who could sell ice to Inuits, that I owed it to my daughter to vote against him. I owed it to her to talk nicely, but disapprovingly, of him. I think I've done that. I also knew not to expect much from him that was honest or intelligent or worth the time of our nation. 

Because of that, I've rarely been as shocked or disappointed as anyone about Trump's antics.

Thank you.

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