Monday, March 15, 2021

J.K. Rowling Wasn't JK


"One Tin Soldier" based on old folk song by Herr D on heromachine. Sometimes hostility is misplaced.-Shelob

 [reading] Yeah, Shelob; I'll comment on this.


Cancel culture is a double standard, and I find it personally offensive. Take for example the bits about J. K. Rowling. She was offended at a term "people who menstruate" and commented on it. She wrote a full explanation of how she was offended by it. She also wrote about how hateful people were toward her and some flawed terms they used about her--AT her. She was told to stick to writing fiction and not be involved in gender politics. Among declarations made, was that she shouldn't write about certain cultures other than her own and that people have a 'responsibility' to boycott the Harry Potter series. On a Twitter feed, people declared they 'now' hated her. People are now going through her work and imagining they are finding things that really probably aren't there. All those reactions to her were inappropriate at best.

How should they have reacted?

ONE person on the feed typed that they were disappointed and wished her well. That was all. Daniel Radcliffe pointed out that if they don't like what she says that they can still get what benefit they can from her work and work off the guilt with any cause they think she's wronged. It might be enlightened self-interest on his part, but it was enlightened.

Explain wrongs?

Far too many people were hateful toward her for anyone to say she was hateful to others. What she REALLY did was make a gentle jibe to get people to read later why she was offended. If she's supposed to not get involved in gender politics and just write, then why should anyone ELSE but a writer get to decide what terms we use? There ARE other women (and others) who are offended at the term "people who menstruate." So CLEARLY, Rowling had just as much right to be offended and perhaps MORE right to decide on terms. She's not a radical feminist, so calling her a TERF is foolish. Calling her names in general is less tolerant than everyone wants HER to be. 

What is this responsibility?

It SHOULD be a responsibility to ignore Twitter feeds or other comment sections if you are drawn to read and repeatedly a hateful fashion. If we canceled everything that benefited us that shouldn't have been done, we'd have to give America back to the Native Americans and Australia back to the aborigines and maybe just murder all humanity that might have killed off the Neanderthals.

The Bible says "hate the sin, not the sinner" in several different ways, and using several different wordings and contexts. Even anti-Christian people who know anything about human psychology know that that IS part of the way to lasting improvements in human behavior.

Anything else?

Yeah! They were WRONG to say she shouldn't write about other cultures. They have every right to say she didn't write about people they knew. Or that she should've done more research. If we wait till we have a writer of every culture they might write about, we'll run out of books, or at least have nothing but segregated casts in movies. Who's going to write about aliens, then?


Don't start. Cancel culture needs to go cancel ITSELF. It's WRONG. NO ONE HAS A 'RESPONSIBILITY' FOR ANY CAUSE THAT ACTS SO HATEFULLY.


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