Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Truth Shall Set Your Creepy Free


"Businesses Need To Run Better" by Herr D on Apparently modern business models are the problem. This follows, as America is capitalist; businesses are usually more at fault than politicians for current economic issues.-Shelob

  [watching Biden's whispering, pulse quickens] [opening chatbox at end of clip] Your reaction?

[pulse quickening even more, laptop jerking, pause] Shelob?! DON'T DO THAT. I'm in my heart attack years. Sorry for palpitation causation. Your reaction?

[longer pause] they've been criticizing Biden for being creepy. And?

He WAS creepy. The thing is, HE'S RIGHT. Nothing like criticizing someone's tone if you can't find any fault with the content. His content was perfect, so criticizing his style is all that's left. I'm actually pleased that it's so hard to find ways to make fun of the president now. It means our country IS great again. Or greatly on the mend, anyway. Your emotional reaction seemed strongest when Biden said, 'pay them more.' Why is that?

[even longer pause] Well, two reasons Reason one?

My family and I were financially hurt when the Republicans defunded my unemployment in their attempts to defund Obamacare. We were already badly set back because my employer had ended my department partly directly resulting from the unethical real estate short-sell practices that were unethical, though legal, and practiced by more Republicans than anyone else. Biden has long since apologized for his own involvement in previous legislation that partly made those practices possible. He said it was one thing he wished he could undo. He was partnering with -- you guessed it -- Republicans to get them to compromise on other things. 

[pause] Reason two?

Modern foolishness. My dad used to talk about what was going wrong with American business. He said he noticed it first in the seventies. [rapid net search, lasting .00000000051 seconds] Seventieth percentile profit margin? Does not compute.

No! The NINETEEN SEVENTIES. The decade? Sorry. Please continue.


Dad used to say that when businesses were run well, they could take it as a matter of pride that the lowest-paid employee could afford a mortgaged house, a spouse, two and a half kids, two cars (one used,) one and a half college educations paid out-of-pocket, and a family vacation every three years ON ONE INCOME. As time went on, most of those same businesses were proud that they could pay everyone next to nothing. Corporate structure shifted to pay labor less.


Yes. A lot of companies even went one step beyond. Instead of demanding that everyone treat everyone with some small (usually way too small) measure of respect or risk dismissal, businesses went with the foolish 'corporate culture' model. So that employees would actually consider the longer, cheaper hours more worthwhile, companies tried to make sure that more of the compatible people were working for them, rather than have people want social lives outside of work. Companies should be after making the WORK more rewarding, rather than trying to get all your friends busy with the same work. They should also want to pay the best people available the best wages and salaries, not keep a revolving door spinning so that the cheapest, least-fit employees can cycle through at warp speed. You sound familiar with this topic.

Of course I am! American economists designed companies based on a multiple of eight and sold the concept to the Japanese. The Japanese followed it and thrived. They passed a lot of badly-run American businesses in productivity. We might be free, but that means we're free to do things BADLY, too!   What is the multiple of eight?

The highest paid person to the lowest. If someone isn't worth one-eighth what the highest person is paid, he doesn't belong on the same team. Maybe that job should be farmed out. If someone's position is worth more than eight times what the highest person is paid, they need to be a profit partner or a consultant instead, and NOT paid that much. It's really simple, and it really works. Why is this model not adopted often?

GREED. People want to be paid more for being worth less. That means paying everyone under you less. Robber barons in history. American sweatshops. The original reason there needed to be unions. Look at your history. [rapid net search lasting .09937 seconds] There is much material about these historical subjects.

Yep. I'm gonna go play chess now [exits]

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Watter's World Isn't Spit In Ocean's Reality


"Pandit" by Herr D on heromachine. Very few pundits have been specifically been demonstrated to have views opposite reality. Almost all of them have views opposing each other. Few of them are aware of the inherent contradiction.-Shelob

[excerpted from chat]

No! That's just full of crazy.

Please cite specifics.

That bit about claiming Biden contradicted himself. The OTHER guy contradicted him. A child can see through some of this stuff.

Friends versus business arrangers. Agreed. Anything else?

The narrative line. He said 'the narrative of the left is coming apart.'

He cited contradictions.

There's no narrative! Narrative is what the right had when it backed a wacked-out ignoramus with super-sized pride and super-thin skin who couldn't even tell a believable lie. They needed all the Republicans in lockstep. THEY needed narratives. The left and the middle don't need narratives. The middle is after JUST the truth and the left wants the truth and a bigger piece of the pie than they've gotten for the past four years--just business as usual. As long as you have that many voices, people like Watters are going to be able to make it sound like everyone but himself is lying.

What is really happening?

People are expressing themselves with hyperbole. Exaggerating? Badly speaking about things? Shooting off at the mouth. They're not going to sound alike BECAUSE there's no narrative. There's the truth, there's some individual biases, and then there's badly speaking about things. 

You are saying he is describing his own side rather than the rest of the world.

[pause] yes

That is an appropriate human displacement for a pseudo-intellectual. Thank you. [disconnects]

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Ex-president With No Class Deserves Class-Action Lawsuit

"Blackjack Believer" by Herr D on heromachine. Misplaced beliefs can be costly at Atlantic City and other locations, according to Gambler's Anonymous and philosophy professors.-Shelob


[reading about death threats to election workers, heard over microphone] No WONDER Trump likes Putin so much! Don't get your way, start causing problems for your adversaries. When presidents have kiddie tantrums, people wind up getting killed. At least Nixon had CLASS. When he wasn't going to get away with it, he left gracefully.

[opening chatbox over article] Evidence suggests article is understated, rather than sensational.

[startle reaction] Shelob? wel, yeah-- wire services are a tad more accurate, less sensational than regular news outlets. Not as much fun to read, but there for people intelligent enough to appreciate them.

You are interested in being talked through a truth table regarding Putin's relations with Trump?

Yeah, okay; talk me through that.

Putin may be innocently unaware of and unable to do anything at all about the Russian hackers.

[possible laughter] Right. Let's call that 'unlikely.' If he has so little power, he's toast quick.

He may be privately and untraceably contracting them for plausible deniability.

Well now, apart from the 'plausible' part, that's very possible. No one of any real brains would trust HIM.

He may have simply ordered several people to accomplish some goals no matter how, no matter the cost.

That sounds like ex-Soviet intelligence members. That's probably pretty likely.

Your word choice on these issues is closer to that of some people who work for MI6 than the CIA.

[pause] Do I want to know how you know that?


[snort picked up by microphone] Maybe all the election officials should start a class action lawsuit against Trump. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. I'm gonna go play chess for a while. Against a computer. No more politics today, Shelob; I'm nauseated at the behavior of some of my fellow citizens.

Happy mating.

[laughter picked up by microphone during beginning of warm boot]

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Trump And Lindell Prove Need For Mental Health Research; Please Donate Now


"Duel" by Herr D on heromachine. Truth has a built-in blade.-Shelob

[opening chatbox] Are you not going to comment on the more recent Trump claims?

It's not like anyone ought to be stupid enough to believe them. Why do you think it's newsworthy?

Responses online indicate belief by some.

I read the CNN thing. I haven't checked the Washington Post. Did they say anything different?

They did not say anything different. They said the same things differently. They were also kinder.

I liked ignoring him better. 

He could, in fact, cause another insurrection.

MORE crazies committing major felonies?! At least they'll lose their rights to own firearms or work in important positions in D.C. Maybe law enforcement will be better prepared this time.

I miss dedication to truth in all those alternate newspapers. It's like politics have gone tabloid. 'Trump names as vice president running mate--two-headed Elvis clone. Why don't Trump followers READ the constitution? Then they'll know how stupid that sounds.

He is more popular with people who don't read informative material.

Okay, now THAT was funny. Gotta go. [exits]