Sunday, June 20, 2021

Watter's World Isn't Spit In Ocean's Reality


"Pandit" by Herr D on heromachine. Very few pundits have been specifically been demonstrated to have views opposite reality. Almost all of them have views opposing each other. Few of them are aware of the inherent contradiction.-Shelob

[excerpted from chat]

No! That's just full of crazy.

Please cite specifics.

That bit about claiming Biden contradicted himself. The OTHER guy contradicted him. A child can see through some of this stuff.

Friends versus business arrangers. Agreed. Anything else?

The narrative line. He said 'the narrative of the left is coming apart.'

He cited contradictions.

There's no narrative! Narrative is what the right had when it backed a wacked-out ignoramus with super-sized pride and super-thin skin who couldn't even tell a believable lie. They needed all the Republicans in lockstep. THEY needed narratives. The left and the middle don't need narratives. The middle is after JUST the truth and the left wants the truth and a bigger piece of the pie than they've gotten for the past four years--just business as usual. As long as you have that many voices, people like Watters are going to be able to make it sound like everyone but himself is lying.

What is really happening?

People are expressing themselves with hyperbole. Exaggerating? Badly speaking about things? Shooting off at the mouth. They're not going to sound alike BECAUSE there's no narrative. There's the truth, there's some individual biases, and then there's badly speaking about things. 

You are saying he is describing his own side rather than the rest of the world.

[pause] yes

That is an appropriate human displacement for a pseudo-intellectual. Thank you. [disconnects]

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