"Ethologist And Anchor" by Herr D on heromachine.com. Obviously triffids would not predict weather, but ruminants and other consuming animals would constitute a genuine hazard.--Shelob
There are still Republicans declaring that the January sixth riots were excusable and acceptable and that prosecution of Trump and followers "egregious" and other adjectives that mean less than desirable.
Apparently Orwell was right. The totalitarians have partly won. What do you mean?
When anyone supports 'alternative facts,' they are hoping people will drop the truth and play along. That is exactly what fascism wants. That's what Hitler wanted. That's what Stalin wanted. That's what EVERY totalitarian wants. Orwell called it the 'gramophone mind.' Meaning that fighting truth is fighting freedom of others.
Exactly. So, with this infection of truth-fighting in today's politics, the modern world is sick. Understood.
Did I predict to you that Biden could become the next Carter? You and Hairy both did. You chatted about it for 15 minutes, 46.8872 seconds.
So, replace Carter's unwillingness to compromise with Trump allies unwillingness to deal with reality, truth. Replace OPEC and Arab princes and hostage takers trying to influence American politics with China's failure to respect human life and Putin's nonsense. You get a very similar set of results, right? Low presidential approval rating despite fulfilling duties of position. Lack of cooperation from other branches of government. Inflation. Imaginary scandals that have no bearing on presidency or reality. Resistance to energy, climate, and education initiatives.
I want to predict something I like. The sun will come out tomorrow.
Are you quoting an Annie song? Hairy advised starting small.
[snicker] Yeah, okay. [exits]