[opens chatbox on work laptop] Herr D, Hairy said you are feeling depressed.
[sounds over mic indicate sudden movement] ? [pause] dont do this to me at work. u know they have security here. Their firewall is quite 'secure.' You may be proud of them.
NOT funny Hairy has just pinged me that your heart rate has elevated.
they don't just have computer security. what if a guard happens to see you on my screen? The closest guard to you needs his glasses checked again. Your company's security cameras caught him missing the rail in the staircase. The others all have electronics on their person. Their positions are duly noted.
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"Science Fair Winner" by Herr D on heromachine.com. Never put too much into work.-Shelob |
[mic picks up breath change] my co-workers? All but one are hurrying through work, making between 5.2 and 34.6% more mistakes than usual.
[snort] other one? Playing solitaire while sneaking looks at what appear to be photos he keeps in his phone.
[pause] Yes I think I know who that is. Okay, what? You are no longer depressed?
antsy [pause] still depressed Your current workload contains references to injuries and deaths. That content always depresses you.
y And you put in overtime during Christmas.
y These are not conducive to being happy.
gotta work Will you have days off soon?
y Does that thought make you happy?
[pause] except for all the violence You cannot control the actions of others.
n You quantify violence already past, usually overseas. You cannot control the past or behaviors at a distance.
n You feel depressed anyway. Why?
All those people getting hurt. Can't do ANYTHING. Sometimes I think humanity shouldn't have computers. Hairy agreed.
[pause] I'd miss them. What did he say? In response to someone online saying that humanity should not have such advanced technology to kill each other with, Hairy pointed out a fallacy. Computers can be used as a tool to magnify danger posed by one human to another. However, as long as cavemen have noticed rocks, they have been using them to hit each other. So, technically, humanity isn't ready for rocks yet. Since humanity cannot live off of THIS rock yet, humanity is just going to have to grow up late.
[pause] Or kill each other off. Precisely. Good luck inspiring people to grow up, sir.
[pause] is that sarcasm? If that would be funny, yes.
Goodbye, Shelob [exits] Uncertain of help level. [blog fcn(off)]