Monday, December 5, 2022

Herr D's Plan To Solve The Runoff In Georgia Took 17.5 Seconds, Seems Logical

"Party Progress" by Herr D on Some politics makes no sense.-Shelob


 How would you sway the Georgian race if you could?

Ha. Very few people listen to me when they should unless they already agree with me. So--[pause lasting 17.5 seconds] So you would proceed how?

I guess I should say that if they don't believe the scandals in Walker's past are relevant, and don't mind that he makes speeches that hint he'll be a brainless puppet . . . Yes?

. . . and they don't want to vote Democrat for some reason related to platform . . .  Yes?

They should probably think about Congress itself. Does it need a guy who can throw a football and talk or does it maybe need a preacher? You are speaking of a spiritual need.

Yes I am. As many people on the religious right seem to think they want God in politics, maybe they should send a preacher to Congress. This does sound logical. Are you not of the religious right?

I'm religious, and I'm right, and yet I'm not off-center. Center is the position in football?

Goodbye, Shelob. [exits] Herr D is at once logical and confusing.

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