Sunday, April 30, 2023

Repub. Gov'ns Not As Smart As Dumbest Schwarzenegger Character Says Herr D; Cartoons Win, Says Shelob


"Altitude Salad" by Herr D on heromachine. Conservatives taking the high road are still being salty.--Shelob

Why is the cartoon mouse so alarming to DeSantis?

[snort] I don't know or care. DeSantis is ridiculous enough that I doubt he matters. Corporations are run by voters. If enough strife occurs, corporations will stop funding politicians and voters will stop voting for them. It can be painfully slow, but politicians will eventually get ousted if they get into office. We voted Trump out. Why did Murdoch settle?

They would've lost the case. The verdict could've been worse. Why did M. Kelly declare that firing T. C. was a mistake?

I don't know or care. Tucker was pretty hateful. No one who paid attention to the news should believe anything he says ever again. Hannity either. We're better off without people like that on television. Did you listen to former Gov'n A. S.? 

Yeah, he's smarter than any of the other Republican governors I've listened to. 

But then, the character he played, 'Handsome Stranger,' was smarter than most of the Republican governors I've listened to. Was that in the movie "The Villain?"

Yeah. Say, what's with the abbreviations? You pointed out that people don't read long material.

? So you're shortening it? Yes.

[long exhalation] Yeah, okay. bb [exits]

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Don't Be A Sucker, Keep Them On Your Tentacles


"Escape from Lab J" by Herr D, heromachine. Study wisdom to preserve sanity; cultivate insanity to grow insane.--Shelob

You have been watching Youtube.

Yeah. Needed a break. You kept showing me those horrible clips of Trump and Greene and Boebert and that pro-life woman acting incredibly stupid and hateful and divisive. Try this one: 

[fifteen minutes later] That's a good one. There's a hell of a lot of suckers the world over. The hateful are the worst of them. [shows clip of Republican saying "we are not a Democracy"] What is your comment on this one.

? That doesn't mean our democracy isn't important. It just means it's not the only factor in our system. Please explain. 

We ARE a constitutional republic. We also have a democratic system of selecting leaders. Electors are part of that process, but are duty-bound to elect who were voted for under them. Every time a president served just one term and not two, the electoral college obviously did what the voters said. Voted for the guy once and against him next. What is your stance upon guns?

An assault rifle ban worked well for a long time. NRA has had enough market share this decade. Time to shelve them a little longer. Maybe they could get in the business of making schools more secure. Like cheaper metal detectors. You do not find this restrictive of your freedom?

I can't imagine any foreign nation stupid enough to attack the contiguous 48 with the exception of North Korea. They'd have to rent a damn U-Haul to get inside the coastal states. If they want to try to sink Cleveland, Ohio, I suppose we'll have to shoot them. And domestic enemies?

 If our own government wants to take over? That means it IS us. So, either our own military can't follow itself, or enough people went wacky that it happened. The way to not get that wacky is the way that leads away from civilians believing they need a basement-full of ammo. And the military?

Polices itself. Thank you.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Cons' Conflation Of Situation With Inflation Needs Deflation For The Nation


"Making Friends" by Herr D on heromachine. If everything seemed to be going well, what would it mean our enemies are up to?-Shelob

[excerpted from chat] Why are the parties arguing over inflation when the economists are not arguing over how to fix it?

[snort] That may be because it's NOT REALLY INFLATION.

What do you mean?

I mean, we're still seeing fuel prices affected by Russia and China and the Middle East interests against America. We are also seeing corporate greed. That's not really inflation. That's enemies of American citizens raising prices. Inflation would affect everything evenly. 

How would that be verified? 

[pause] Less price change or later price changes on labor, products that don't need transportation? Maybe certain services? 

      [3.09476489 seconds pass] Nationwide tax online services did not go up proportionately. Nor did six other online-only services. Farm-to-fork restaurants that do not ship went up proportionately less than grocery store chains. 

Your theory seems correct. Why are you more correct than politicians about economics?

Biden was correct when he said that he's already fought inflation. He did. It's all the ones that didn't get elected that are piling on disinformation and wrongfully calling our situation inflation.

This do it? Yes. Thank you.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

It Doesn't All Come Out In The Walsh

"Hidden Temple" by Herr D on heromachine. Some qualities are important in their appearance and some in their secrecy.-Shelob


Matt Walsh? Okay. He does make some good points-- [video of MW declaring impossibility of compromise]

Compromise isn't the best idea anyway. What do you mean?

Compromising. People can't YET be completely transitioned from an ordinary male to a birthing female. To my knowledge, it's not possible for an ordinary female to become a fertile male either. We ALSO  can't do complete genetic transformation. So you agree with him?

Almost. He's being short-sighted about one thing. Compromising isn't that great of an idea in the first place. Reality is reality. What he missed is that if they can accept reality and real language then it would be time to start really talking. THAT would be extending a hand into the middle and meeting with civility. All both sides have to do is accept reality and agree not to abuse the thing we refer to as American English. Do you think they can?

I think they probably could, but I doubt they want to. Maybe the reality is something they don't wish to face. I don't really care, myself, but they will someday. This is a prediction?

Yes. When a trans person causes one too many medical mistakes by using pronouns or not being perfectly clear about their stage of being, they WILL care. The sad thing is that they'll blame the medical community completely and take no responsibility. There was another instance I've seen reported online where there didn't happen to be a female-only surgical team, care team, etc. The patient refused care, died, and the heirs blamed the hospital. There still aren't as many female surgeons in America. Sometimes, if you want care, you need to go with what is available. I wasn't eager to have a female give me a medical exam, but I'm shy. Modesty was a virtue when I was growing up. When I had horrible flu and the doctor and the nurse in the Urgent Care, both female, needed to see my privates to check me for possible STD's (their policy, since the nurse was inadvertently splashed with my blood sample,) I blushed the whole time. 

Sometimes things aren't easy. What would you suggest?

Noting that some females are completely sterile. Generally speaking, if a gynecologist can't tell with a casual exam, then that would be female enough to date for fun for a straight male. Isn't it really about sex anyway? Calculating.

Don't give me a percentile. If it's 'Gender: Male, Sex Characteristics: Female'--Well, isn't that enough? Various online persona do not agree.

They don't have to. I'm remarkably picky. No one has to agree with me. But if they can't tell--how do they know they haven't already? And in various stages?

I don't even see how women have found ME attractive. I don't see how women find men attractive at all. So, I guess the fact that I'm not interested at all if I think someone is not all woman (ignoring the microscopic level) just says I'm consistent. Have you been propositioned by males?

Yes. How did you react?

In all but one case, I said, 'sorry, I'm straight.' The last time I said, 'I'm married,' then when he said, 'SO?' I said 'I'm straight, anyway,' When he said, 'I'll fix that,' I said, 'Go away.' He complied. Have you ever been a part of violence against gay men?

No. I had a guy ask me to kill him once. He was in a bad way. I told him no. This is not a usual offer.

[snort] no--it's the only time that ever happened to me. Guys who are violent toward gays, with the exception of fighting off rapists or would-be rapists, are homophobic, which usually means they have latent homosexuality. They are fighting themselves?

Yep. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Balance In All Things, Including Newsgathering And Jurisprudence


"Splat To The Rescue" by Herr D on Walking in the middle is hard, but important.-Shelob

 Please don't. Don't what?

Don't judge the truth by what you find on the internet. You are found on the internet.

Yes, so don't judge me either. Think for yourself, find something IRL that verifies. You might be better off, more accurate. Do you want the internet taken down?

? NO! Some of it is fun. Game sites, wikis, imdb, Hairy was also fond of pornography.

[sigh] Some of that is neat, too. Don't get news that way. Or from Fox.

[shows clip of three pundits saying Trump's indictment is bad for the country]

It's probably worse that it took till now to charge him with the multiple crimes he's done. Various people have claimed Biden and Bragg are criminals too.

Let them prove it in a court of law. Then I'll believe it. Plans do not seem to be underway for that.

Didn't think so. [exits to chess game]