Saturday, April 22, 2023

Don't Be A Sucker, Keep Them On Your Tentacles


"Escape from Lab J" by Herr D, heromachine. Study wisdom to preserve sanity; cultivate insanity to grow insane.--Shelob

You have been watching Youtube.

Yeah. Needed a break. You kept showing me those horrible clips of Trump and Greene and Boebert and that pro-life woman acting incredibly stupid and hateful and divisive. Try this one: 

[fifteen minutes later] That's a good one. There's a hell of a lot of suckers the world over. The hateful are the worst of them. [shows clip of Republican saying "we are not a Democracy"] What is your comment on this one.

? That doesn't mean our democracy isn't important. It just means it's not the only factor in our system. Please explain. 

We ARE a constitutional republic. We also have a democratic system of selecting leaders. Electors are part of that process, but are duty-bound to elect who were voted for under them. Every time a president served just one term and not two, the electoral college obviously did what the voters said. Voted for the guy once and against him next. What is your stance upon guns?

An assault rifle ban worked well for a long time. NRA has had enough market share this decade. Time to shelve them a little longer. Maybe they could get in the business of making schools more secure. Like cheaper metal detectors. You do not find this restrictive of your freedom?

I can't imagine any foreign nation stupid enough to attack the contiguous 48 with the exception of North Korea. They'd have to rent a damn U-Haul to get inside the coastal states. If they want to try to sink Cleveland, Ohio, I suppose we'll have to shoot them. And domestic enemies?

 If our own government wants to take over? That means it IS us. So, either our own military can't follow itself, or enough people went wacky that it happened. The way to not get that wacky is the way that leads away from civilians believing they need a basement-full of ammo. And the military?

Polices itself. Thank you.

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