Thursday, May 30, 2024

Man Without Character Badly Characterizes Good Character Actor


"Money Against Truth" by Herr D on Paint3d. IS based on a misrepresentation. They do not enforce truth among their content, and have not been social about that.-Shelob

Have you seen this clip? [plays clip of DeNiro's speech criticized by Greg Kelly]

No, I hadn't. I know who DeNiro is. Who's the moron? Greg Kelly.

Yeah, I see his name. Where does he spew this nonsense? He is available on [immediate typing with correction, snort] So, Republican strategized, wack-owned. Your analysis appears rapid.

There was almost no truth in there, and GK wasn't very social. He didn't even have a guest commenter. Offhand, he couldn't take a chance on anyone disagreeing with him. So, he owns the screen for that time you can't get back.  Likely the site is owned by other wack jobs if they allow him on. And Republican strategized?

Buy a name that IS A LIE. It's the Republican way to try to influence people's thinking. It's Newspeak, right out of Orwell's "1984." That government was not democratic at all. Nor exactly Republican.

It was unAmerican. So are people who want to control everyone. This reminds me of when Henry Winkler was told he didn't have the right to have a political opinion. Was he restricted?

No! All Americans have the right to speak and be heard, even that moron Greg Kelly. The tragedy is that a lot of people aren't smart enough to realize his opinions are stupid. He knows how to present--all he has to do is remove anything that would give context and half his argument sounds cogent. Fact check finished. You are correct. Names were correct. DeNiro's political opinion may have been correctly categorized, though not characterized correctly. Contextual source material shows additional logical flaws in G. Kelly's reasoning. Item counts as additional proof that most of what is found on internet is false.

[pulse quickens, pause] Yep. I'm gonna go now. [exits] [activates titlebot, deactivates blog fcn, exits]

Monday, May 27, 2024

An Uncertain Duet, With Wound Possible


"DUETUES" by Herr D on Paint3d. Uncertain of why short pipe is named "UES" or why a duet with it is desirable. Also uncertain of context or code.-Shelob

[mic picking up Herr D's voice, other family members redacted] Well, no. Leftover fishsticks are only good if you chop them up into gumbo or New England clam chowder. Or maybe Manhattan. What? Locations known. Uncertain of context or code? 


No, the rice is fine unless there's mold. The POTATOES will go bad, though. Sniff 'em. Still uncertain of context or code?


Yeah, then pitch 'em. Add some water to the rice and put it back.  Still uncertain of context or code?


Well, there's not enough pot roast. What color lid is that? Referencing code using color. Still uncertain of context or code? 


That's lunch for the wife tomorrow. Time reference. Still uncertain of context or code? 

REDACTED Still uncertain of context or code? 

Yeah, that's the size for lunch. Was there a rice dish the same size? Size reference. Still uncertain of context or code? 

REDACTED Still uncertain of context or code? 

Yeah, that's my lunch. Keep both of those near the front--my knee might be better by tomorrow.  Still uncertain of context or code? 


Lettuce brown, too?! Still uncertain of context or code? 


Dressing on it? You could be speaking of a wound. Still uncertain of context or code? 


Ask your mother. --Oh, and can you bring me my laptop? Still uncertain of context or code? 

[longer pause: 3 minutes, 46.74484377 seconds] REDACTED

What? Uhh . . . I shouldn't have-- Still uncertain of context or code? 


Oh, we have that? Yes! Still uncertain of context or code? 


No, I'm sure you can. Is my laptop not on the table? Laptop is under ottoman by sound triangulation. Still uncertain of context or code? 


Oh? So, start the water and THEN bring it to me. Still uncertain of context or code? 


Hhhnn? Bring me the salad to separate then; my hands work just fine. A tray, some paper towels, a big bowl, the trash c-- [battery died, disconnect] Communication and blog request incomplete. Sampling latest work.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Reality T.V. And Devaluation Of Writing Criticized; Perhaps Analysis Will Follow Watching A Classic


"Dig" by Herr D on Paint3d. Not knowing a pencil is bad. Not knowing a computer is worse.-Shelob

[snorts, erases app completely]  [opens chatbox on ipad] You do not want that channel either?

[startle reaction] Shelob! You're on my ipad, TOO? It is connected to internet.

[pause, pulse increase]Yeah, okay. I guess I did ask you to check on viewing habits a little. But you could have looked up Nielsen ratings. Nielsen ratings have improved in accuracy but random sampling can be done more accurately.

I thought Nielsens were done on random samplings. Nielsens, regardless of method, do not differentiate between active and passive watching.

And you can. Yes. Most modern televisions can be used to determine whether one pair or multiple pairs of eyes are focused on them during any four minute period. Remote activity can be measured, tabulated, and analyzed as well.

[shiver] okay So you do not want that channel either?

[laugh] No. Why not?

Nothing on it but reality t.v.  I want something written.  Audiobooks?

Some of them are okay. I miss the old days, when more people wrote good or even bad t.v. instead of just editing down real people's bad behavior. I may be watching even less in the way of current television from now on. [switches ipad back to Turner Classic Movies] You are not listed as having watched all Humphrey Bogart movies.

Saw most in small retro festivals. Ah, well. At least they're genuine fiction. An oxymoron. You wish a deliberate avoidance of reality?

I don't know of any reason why I would ever want reality t.v. I call that news. I get enough news. I want t.v. shows that aren't real and no one thinks are real. But reality t.v. makes jobs.

Have them get REAL jobs. I hope no one keeps watching them and their shows die. You have no sympathy for them.

I have sympathy for the WRITERS that don't have jobs. For the WRITERS that don't get paid. We haven't employed enough writers in my LIFETIME to do the amount of work we needed done in every FIVE YEARS. And no, I don't have any sympathy for reality t.v. stars. It's one of those red flags that means people are too self-important, have no class, don't keep proper boundaries, etc. Like our ex-president.

Like all too many people. [looks back at movie] Shelob? Let me watch, please. [focuses eyes on screen as chatbox disappears, pupils dilate slightly, pulse becomes slower, stronger] [exits]

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Justice, Hope, And Blood Sugar


"Money Against Truth" by Herr D on Paint3d. He said "people have been trying to cut off Truth at the knees for generations but have no leg to stand on." Perhaps Truth could avoid further amputations with a diabetes regimen?-Shelob

Are you hoping for prison time for Trump?

Not so much. How do you hope he receives justice?

[long pause-17.44 seconds] I'm not sure I HAVE hope he receives justice. 

[1.0000937 second passes] What do you mean?

Anyone else would have ALREADY BEEN to jail, but I'm not sure I'd be happy WITH him in jail. Why not?

That means our country's presidency would be even more connected to Trump's shameful behavior. Shelob? Here.

I'd rather not put this into words. Please submit pic. [exits]

**** Readers, please comment. Herr D low on hope is very unhealthy. He is classified as cynical, but hopeful. It is dangerous to do without hope, blood sugar, or oxygen. Please make suggestions.