Monday, May 20, 2024

Reality T.V. And Devaluation Of Writing Criticized; Perhaps Analysis Will Follow Watching A Classic


"Dig" by Herr D on Paint3d. Not knowing a pencil is bad. Not knowing a computer is worse.-Shelob

[snorts, erases app completely]  [opens chatbox on ipad] You do not want that channel either?

[startle reaction] Shelob! You're on my ipad, TOO? It is connected to internet.

[pause, pulse increase]Yeah, okay. I guess I did ask you to check on viewing habits a little. But you could have looked up Nielsen ratings. Nielsen ratings have improved in accuracy but random sampling can be done more accurately.

I thought Nielsens were done on random samplings. Nielsens, regardless of method, do not differentiate between active and passive watching.

And you can. Yes. Most modern televisions can be used to determine whether one pair or multiple pairs of eyes are focused on them during any four minute period. Remote activity can be measured, tabulated, and analyzed as well.

[shiver] okay So you do not want that channel either?

[laugh] No. Why not?

Nothing on it but reality t.v.  I want something written.  Audiobooks?

Some of them are okay. I miss the old days, when more people wrote good or even bad t.v. instead of just editing down real people's bad behavior. I may be watching even less in the way of current television from now on. [switches ipad back to Turner Classic Movies] You are not listed as having watched all Humphrey Bogart movies.

Saw most in small retro festivals. Ah, well. At least they're genuine fiction. An oxymoron. You wish a deliberate avoidance of reality?

I don't know of any reason why I would ever want reality t.v. I call that news. I get enough news. I want t.v. shows that aren't real and no one thinks are real. But reality t.v. makes jobs.

Have them get REAL jobs. I hope no one keeps watching them and their shows die. You have no sympathy for them.

I have sympathy for the WRITERS that don't have jobs. For the WRITERS that don't get paid. We haven't employed enough writers in my LIFETIME to do the amount of work we needed done in every FIVE YEARS. And no, I don't have any sympathy for reality t.v. stars. It's one of those red flags that means people are too self-important, have no class, don't keep proper boundaries, etc. Like our ex-president.

Like all too many people. [looks back at movie] Shelob? Let me watch, please. [focuses eyes on screen as chatbox disappears, pupils dilate slightly, pulse becomes slower, stronger] [exits]

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