Friday, September 27, 2024

Watch For Bad Editing, Says Herr D; You Must Be Sharp, Says Shelob


"Sign Of The Times" by Herr D on Paint3d. This DOES seem to be worse, recently.-Shelob

[turns off newsfeed over] Yeechhh. Analysis?

[notices chatbox that was behind newsfeed window, startles] Shelob?! Here.

[snorts] I see. That's what, six in a row? Six in a row of what?

Words taken out of context. You can see where it was wrongly edited, if you're good. Interesting that the majority of broadcasters of fake news are mis-editing KH's words. It has been six in a row. One of the broadcasters presented false credentials.

I don't think it's interesting. I think it's criminal. I'd like to see fraud charges brought against a lot of those sites, participants, etc. I think youtube should have on it's homepage something that suggests news sources that are reliable like wire services, and advise people that much content is not only wrong-headed, but unhealthy and potentially dangerous. That might be a good suggestion. Make a pic?

I'll see if I have time tonight. [exits]

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