Friday, October 23, 2015

Speaker Selection Bungled, As Predicted By Shelob And Hairy

[underwater signal booster alignment check, process 56]

[recorded segment begins] . . . and somehow they managed to NOT know ANYTHING about how the State Department works? How did they think they were going to sound like they knew what they were doing? How did they think they were going to sound like they didn't deserve to BE on trial instead of putting someone on trial? How did they think they were going to sound like COMPETENT ADULTS? What did they think they were going to sound like?

Is the correct answer Republicans?

[flailing tentacles, dilated pupils, and sudden choking, hysterical laughter lasting 23.9 seconds] That was--that was GOOD, Shelob; good one!

It was the only question you asked that appeared answerable.

[vibrating of gills, indicative of laughter muffling] I sometimes forget how fast your processing power is and how accidentally funny you can be. Have you got any suggestions for the current political situation?

Joe Biden for Speaker of the House.

[choking, gill flutter] Um--you DO know he's Democrat, right?

Yes. He is also likely the most capable person currently in politics.

Um . . .

An elder statesman of proven ability to work professionally. Well-respected. Well-liked. Successfully works with both parties. Has what you refer to as 'stage presence,' charisma, je ne sais quoi . . . 

Those three things are the same thing, Shelob. Interesting idea, just; I don't think that's very likely. Why don't you blog on that?

Will. [recorded segment ends]

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