Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Houston, You Have A Problem: This Is Not The Rainbow Connection

You have not spoken about Houston.


Houston has another problem.

No. What's wrong? I was looking at the--wait, give me a neuralink summation--numbers only.

[.07726 second neuralink burst]

Ouch. When I hear water rising, I just ordinarily think "more space." Sometimes I forget people don't have gills. People DIED for this? [untranslatable sound] Guys! I'm sorry for all you're going through down in the Gulf there. I thought Trump was just bragging again! I didn't really listen to what he was saying . . . well, I guess MOST people shouldn't listen to what he says . . .

Perhaps you should predict the weather pattern for expeditious federal aid.

No. Meteorology is best looked at in real time, since 'modern' predictive models aren't very good. It's always best to think of a storm as an equalizing effect. Something is out of balance that causes a reaction, and the storm rages until the balance is attained.

Perhaps you should explain what the weather means, climatically. 

I don't need to say anything. When it comes to weather, the figures you provided say that people are very inflexible in what they believe about it. Some people imagine that their Supreme Being would waste their time with a weather event. Christians believe God promised not to do that again. I'm not sure about the others--Herr D only told me about this rainbow covenant thing.

The prismatic effect is believed to be linked to a specific event in time?

Yeah. I don't know. I guess there weren't any rainbows before Noah?

Preliminary searches determine arrangement made under a treaty known as "the Rainbow Connection."

No, that was Kermit the Frog. Different guy. I'm gonna go check on migration levels. Maybe this is why the fish are schooling this way? [exits lair]

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