Tuesday, April 3, 2018

As Hairy Wallows, People Are Still Piggish About Hogg

Hairy has gone traveling above the water line against advice from medbot. His goal is to see if he can take comfort from cold spring rains and not feel uncomfortable being so hot and dry. He has forbidden direct quotations for the present. Therefore:

His summation of Hogg includes that if the youth hadn't been there, that it is still not as fraudulent as paid lobbyists who do not care about the issues, but the pay they get. This includes lobbyists for the NRA. He WAS there, not that the current outspoken care about the truth, but just whatever hysteria they are capable of causing.

As for Hogg being referred to as a bully, Hairy expressed a desire to meet any youth capable of bullying Congress and the NRA. The average school-age child does not learn how to address anyone, in his opinion, nor plan to agree to serve the military in a war zone. Does a corrupt body, which accepts lobbying--the kind word for subtle bribes or bids for unfair control away from voters--actually deserve any respect?

Harry is not of the opinion that they do. Herr D did not respond to the question. Programming suggests they are deserving of civility while they work and contempt when they do not.

Perhaps someone could comment and share another opinion?

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