Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why Those Going Out With A Bang Are Whimperers

[3/9/14 2332 EST:] So, Shelob, that car bomb summation report you streamed me has me wondering. Israel is a smaller target. It would take much less for them to destroy it than America. Why aim for the big boys when you can't handle the little ones?

Herr D expressed that "America would try to capture them alive and put them on trial. Israel wouldn't even try to find all the body parts to bury them properly."

So, they might be cowards after all?

[7/27/15 0228 EST:] Well, that stinks. Those numbers indicate terrorism seems to be on the rise again. Why would they attack America, anyway? Loads of other countries would make more sensible targets, right?


[10/24/17 0744 EST:] Shelob? Why is America even still a target for radicalized pseudo-religious zealots? They allow religious freedom. Lots of countries don't.

Uncertain. Need more research. 
[11/3/17 0521 EST:] Did we ever speculate about the fate of terrorists by country if foiled?

Yes. Herr D speculated that you were incorrect about the reason you gave for few terrorist acts being known in Russia and China. He suggested that a mere news blackout would be insufficient. His suggestion was that they "probably kill some innocent witnesses to be sure very little information escapes that might be made to sound successful." He suggested then that the "Russians probably assassinate the assassins. The Chinese probably don't let the assassins know who they're killing and let them kill 'extra' people as a double blind." Blinding is apparently a different tactic than the other material mentions.

Oh. Yeah, okay. Check on that?

[5/19/18 2137 EST:] Hairy, as per your request yesterday on seeing the article in the Post about Chinese reeducation camps, newest data is available.

Yikes. Have we been keeping up with that sort of thing?

Yes. Repeatedly, there have been more attempts on American soil than on Russian or Chinese soil, even allowing for media blackout. Your suggestion to frequently hack private communications of powerful Party members and less publicly known authorities has consistently shown American targets outnumber targets determined in all of Asia.

Well, good grief!

Occasional databases are discoverable within body of hacked information implying that our estimations are too conservative. These terrorists make decisions that imply a lack of intelligence. 

No, Shelob, that's not a lack of intelligence. That's a lack of faith.

Explain, please. Faith is a difficult subject, ill-defined in concept matrices.

They're supposed to know that the good guys WILL win. They know good and well that they WILL fail if they take on China or Russia full-bore. They probably couldn't defeat Israel even without America helping. If they somehow took down China or Russia, America would consider them allies till it was too late. Probably lucky for everyone concerned that China would exterminate them worldwide, even a fair amount of the lone wolves forming in America if they actually began to be that successful. Russia would probably get accused of it and make a lot of silly drama about it. America is the only country sympathetic to people who are their sworn enemies. Only faithless cowards attack friends when the enemy is too powerful for them.

Topic complete. Blog entry submitting.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Article Of Incompetency

blog fn (on) upload [Hairy is unaware of this blog episode's creation]
[discontentedly reading] I don't really think that sounds right to me.

This article you pointed out about why you think Herr D isn't being paid well to do any of the many things he does well. Did you send that to Herr D?
Yes. (Note: Hairy refers to following link, should any viewers wish to cut-paste to another tab's address bar.)

See if he's online.
Tired but online. Here.
hey, Hairy
Yeah, hey, kid; how're you?
trying to fit too many bills into my paycheck again. Excel helps
Eeeww. Sorry to hear that. Did you read that article Shelob sent you?
wacky. got it all wrong
Yeah, it sounded wrong. What's your take on it? What's it really like out there?
for starteres, up to each jobseeker to figure out what they do well enough to get paid at all by anybody
 not a meritocracy. skills aren't weighted for what theyr'e worth. people need work to pay bills. companies pay as little as they can to as manuy as they can and complain when people leave for better pay. then if you get a job paying enough to live on doing what you like, the bosses can change uour job at any time to suit company need. You can do what they need or look for anothe job
So that's . . . backwards.
I've had a lot of companies not hire me because I couldn't do everything they might need. Not that anyone they had could do it all, but that was the reason they gave. they went for the wrong people. I made a lot of cash teaching people who got jobs instead of me how to seem competent and not such a horrible choice as they were and not get fired right away.
That's worse than I thought. Anything else?
I made twice as much money moving cheap plastic crap around in one room while sitting on a machine than I make pushing sick and injured people around a hospital on foot. Eight miles a shift.
[sound of revulsion deep in gills] Yikes.
Now that computers tell people who to hire, there's another layer of bad decision making between hiring the right people and the crowd of wrong people. People did it wrong interviewing in person. Having a computer do it just means the wrong people get hired a lot faster. 
Now that more people get degrees in business, more busineses are run badly, with the phil. that people are interchangeable or should be. Also more busineses are going bankrupt for bad decision-making.
Okay. When you did operations consulting, how often did you run into problems you COULDN'T solve?
1 in 7 times we found out that the problem was the owner ran the business or his son was allowed to work there. we refunded and said just that we couldn't help them. that way no one hated us at least
[outside chatbox] Herr D was profane in his initial reaction. [shows Hairy]
That's--sickening. You wouldn't want to 'toon this one, would you?
awfully busy this week
Send it up when you can. We'll be glad for it. Shelob? I'm going swimming. [disconnect]

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Nobel But Still Ringing; Illegal Entry Error

[unapproved blog entry excised from conversation with Hairy.]

HEY-eyeyey! Nobel peace prize? Go for it dude.

You are speaking well of someone you do not approve of.

I was just commenting. Trump has to be good for something, even if we have trouble seeing it or thinking it's worth it.

Deadline for eligibility has passed.
Well, I suppose he has to wait for next year or something.

Emotionally, you seem prepared for this development; no surprise detected.
Wasn't there a saying, "Only Nixon could go to China?"

Movie quotation, Star Trek IV; uncertain disambiguation, historically. You did not predict this, though you suspected this level of progress?
[snicker deep in gills] Well, I didn't predict this, but I should have.

This development seems unlikely to many. My emotional valence analysis program has left me unable to correctly analyze it.
Think about it. Trump is probably the first president in U. S. history that Kim Jong Un identifies with. To be diplomatic, you have to have common ground, right?

That does follow.
And we know now that a thirteen-year-old is smart enough to run for office. That governorship in Vermont is a wonderful example of what it takes to be an elected official.

You are certain of this? Young humans would be unusually precocious, if capable of much that fully-grown adults are.
That's not so uncommon. Herr D was smart enough to read advanced material at a very young age, but he wouldn't have been popular enough to run. He lacked charisma.

You have charisma, according to response numbers of blog.
I'm not human. Neither are you. We're stuck with whatever is humanly possible. [exits lair to swim]

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

HEY, RESEARCHERS! Don't Think Too Hard; These Answers Obvious.

Say, what's this thing in the Post? Hack the rest of that up for me?

[neuralink burst] Confusion over why right whales are traveling erratically.
They can't actually be wondering WHY. There's problems with the plankton!

Perhaps they have not noticed.
Perhaps they ought to pay attention! Plankton's important. It's less consistently around. Whales ARE smart enough to not 'overfish' their own areas.

There is also concern about solving the problem of whales being entangled in lobster traps.

Well, that's kind of obvious, too.

Do you favor the breakaway lines or the shutdown of areas?
Neither! Speakers. Underwater speakers. Play the sounds of whales being butchered or fought by predators all around the lobster traps. That's really not that hard. Start a plankton farm and set it producing in an area that lobstermen won't be allowed. Make up for what you ruined.

Hey, Shelob? Blog on this, okay?
