Thursday, May 3, 2018

Nobel But Still Ringing; Illegal Entry Error

[unapproved blog entry excised from conversation with Hairy.]

HEY-eyeyey! Nobel peace prize? Go for it dude.

You are speaking well of someone you do not approve of.

I was just commenting. Trump has to be good for something, even if we have trouble seeing it or thinking it's worth it.

Deadline for eligibility has passed.
Well, I suppose he has to wait for next year or something.

Emotionally, you seem prepared for this development; no surprise detected.
Wasn't there a saying, "Only Nixon could go to China?"

Movie quotation, Star Trek IV; uncertain disambiguation, historically. You did not predict this, though you suspected this level of progress?
[snicker deep in gills] Well, I didn't predict this, but I should have.

This development seems unlikely to many. My emotional valence analysis program has left me unable to correctly analyze it.
Think about it. Trump is probably the first president in U. S. history that Kim Jong Un identifies with. To be diplomatic, you have to have common ground, right?

That does follow.
And we know now that a thirteen-year-old is smart enough to run for office. That governorship in Vermont is a wonderful example of what it takes to be an elected official.

You are certain of this? Young humans would be unusually precocious, if capable of much that fully-grown adults are.
That's not so uncommon. Herr D was smart enough to read advanced material at a very young age, but he wouldn't have been popular enough to run. He lacked charisma.

You have charisma, according to response numbers of blog.
I'm not human. Neither are you. We're stuck with whatever is humanly possible. [exits lair to swim]

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