What?! You called?
They caught the guy with the pipe bombs.
Oh. He did? He was? That's great.
Did you guide me to that conclusion about addresses by way of early-breaking news?
Oh. No, I've been on kind of a news blackout. Nothing since that conversation with Shelob, in fact.
Well, you must admit the news has been erosional of late.
I don't know what that means.
You know, people acting less than civil when they're not killing each other.
[longer pause probably denoting smiles or cessation of typing due to surprise] Well put. So you didn't listen in on radio chatter bounced through a satellite or anything like that?
No, I haven't thought about you
That was Shelob that mentioned the idea of the guy working as a delivery guy, right? I remember you liked my conclusion pattern about the sniper.
You were one of the few who came up with the pair idea early on. One of the reasons I decided to make contact with you. Of course, you said something about how the military trains snipers to work with a spotter. I'm not clear on how much that idea tracks to Malvo's case.
Did you 'seed his software' with profiling ideas?
No, that was just Shelob doing his job. Between the three of us, we make a good profiler, yeah? [scrolling back] Oh. Good job with the non-computer search idea. Anybody with a bicycle or a scooter can get outdated addresses. Hm. You had a pic of that, didn't you?
I did! It was titled or had an alternate title of 'Steinemmobile.'
Shelob! Put the Steinem-mobile pic at the header here. Upload it! So Herr D, about the ne-[pic located, upload, submit to titlebot, Blog fcn(off)]