Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Interference Called On History

[wakes Hairy from sedation against advice from medbot]
rrmm? What? [shows Hairy a link]


This is your alert subject.
I'm sorry, Shelob, I don't--[highlights time stamp, GPS location, log entry]

[all five eyes bug out] Yikes. Is that right? Did I forget and use the wrong suitbot when I visited back there? How bad is it?

Dismissable as anomalous finding, measurement or calculation error.
. . . good. Anything else?

DNA chart of human ancestry during migration through to Americas. Shows interesting rebranching possible.
No. That's not me. Early humans weren't so codependent that they stayed in one place on land for very long. There isn't a scientist ANYWHERE that would ever make a graphic as complicated as it REALLY was. Remember: they slept around unless they were isolationist.

Alarm off. [upload]

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