Thursday, October 25, 2018

Don't Be So Gullible

[uproarious laughter, from gills to vibrating tentacle ends] Amazing!
What is amazing?

He said that 'journalists' [more laughter] "are responsible" to [set a civil tone] !! He's actually BLAMING THE MEDIA FOR HIS BASE'S WORST DOING WHAT HE WANTS DONE!
Trump as an agitator is declaring yet again that everyone else should be more civil than he has been. This is irrational.

Why is this funny?
What? [three pupils dilate slightly, while the other two eyes squint]
Why is this funny?
I forget sometimes, I can't seem to program your humor modules correctly. [one blue eye glances at a screenful of code, glazes over, blinks]
The president's actions belong in the Theater Of The Absurd.
Yeah, I'd forgotten how ridiculous the man can be. It is somewhat amazing, how people can be fooled so easily into thinking that a politician is a statesman, or that a blamer is an achiever. That a blowhard is actually good for the country.

Y'know? For the first time in a long time, I have no useful advice to offer the American public. The average intelligence is still pretty low, the average gullibility pretty high. I'm gonna take a long, cold swim. [exits lair]

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