Friday, August 20, 2021

Rare Appearance By Hairy Follows Summary Of Why Mao Won't Take Third



Well, good grief. Every military and ex-military person I ever MET said we didn't go in to Afghanistan right, and every person I know that knows anything about history says we didn't STAY in Afghanistan right . . . so why in the hell would anybody EXPECT things to go right when we left Afghanistan?

 That logic seems perhaps oversimple, yet sound.

I remember hearing all about how the Soviets were getting out of Afghanistan because goatherds with flintlock rifles were bringing down 22$ million Migs. The place is a money pit.

Perhaps China will take a turn?

[microphone picks up explosive laughter] China knows too much history to screw up the same way! That IS my opinion. Get out while you can, and take as many women with you as you can. They'll be better off in most other countries that will take them. [exits]

Cagey. [two eyes reading this blog episode so far while the other three are watching other news]

Hairy? You have returned?

No. Just checking in. He's doing fine blogging without my help, and maybe he'll bungle his way through to monetize someday. This sort of topic makes me feel musical. [flails tentacles in a showy fashion and sings]

"TaliBAN, taliBAN, tally the unhappy-

Zealots COME as Uncle Sam go home


Zealots COME to oppress their own."

You are flailing as Kabul falls?

Yes I am. I'm done here-gonna try emigration again before the Perseid showers are at the wrong angle to strobe me away.  Bye! [exits]

One hopes his attempt to leave Earth is not parallel to the U. S. leaving Afghanistan. The Earth is fragile enough.

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