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"Black Bishop" by Herr D from "Aqua Chess Set" on heromachine.com. Sacrificing this freedom, according to some, is 'summoning more abominations in a Black Mass.' -Shelob |
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
Neither. Explain?
I’m mostly against abortion as birth control, but in cases of incest and most rapes, it’s probably the best idea. In cases of danger to the mother, including danger to her remaining reproductive years, it should be up to her. In the case of horrible known or extremely likely birth defects, it’s an understandable first choice. I’d never LIKE wanting one, kind of like I’d never WANT to need a bodyguard or an emergency vehicle or a hospital. It’s a decision that should never be made lightly any more than it should be made unilaterally. [plays clip of Biden speaking about Roe vs. Wade] This is a big decision.
Anything to do with abortion is a big decision. Abortion ITSELF is a big decision. There’s no GOOD decision when there’s an unwanted pregnancy. There’s only the best choice of bad ones. I heard some interesting comments on it at work. Please share.
The one I remember best was: How many fingernails DOES it take to get to the center of a Supreme Court justice? Do you have any words of wisdom for those involved in making the legal decisions?
I tried standup comedy once, and someone in one crowd hollered out that “abortions should be illegal.” As the booing they got began to die down, I called out, “Now, hold on! People who want abortions to be illegal will have their day in court, and I think that day should be the day after we manage to stop all child abuse and rape.” Best applause I ever got. Within the same year, Robin Williams famously suggested giving every pro-life protestor their very own crack baby.
You know who the most famous unwanted child was? Saddam Hussein. A few million people’s lives could have been SAVED if his mother had had access to a free abortion. So, saving lives is NOT REALLY WHAT PRO-LIFE PEOPLE DO. They are pushing for more control over other people.
Most people aren’t smart enough to control THEMSELVES with any grace and so shouldn’t try to control others. Churches need to save souls, not run societies. Do you know any specific cases of injustice?
Quite a
few. In the nineties, I worked this one warehouse job where six women employees
couldn’t afford physicals. Some of them wanted mammograms, some of them wanted
pap schmears, and one of them wanted an ultrasound to check up on the baby she
was carrying to term. They agreed to go to Planned Parenthood together, so the
people unjustly calling them ‘babykillers’ would upset the pregnant one less. I can’t
help but wonder how many protestors caused miscarriages, killing the babies they
thought they might save. Let's not even get into collateral damage from abortion clinic bombers.
I think maybe Abbot and Greyhound bus lines should make a class action lawsuit against those who discourage travel. Suing the people who help others buy tickets hurts our economy. Maybe the states being traveled to should sue, too. That’s bound to be EVERY BIT AS LEGAL. People have the right to travel in the United States FOR ANY REASON. Other people have the right to help them. States don’t want to lose money to potential tourists because of stupid people threatening to sue the wrong people. Bus lines and other transportation companies don’t want to lose money because pregnant women are afraid to use their services.
I would suggest that our country is better off with more freedom and privacy and less screaming about controlling the behavior of other people. Save all the souls you can—I hope you save more than you would condemn by trying too hard to control. Shelob, do you know any universal quotes about failing through forcing too much control? Shot at Universal Studios: Princess Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
[laughs] Well, okay then. Hopefully SCOTUS acts nothing like the Empire, blowing up Roe vs. Wade like Alderaan. [exits]
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