Monday, August 29, 2022

Once More To Impeach, My Friends?



"Blue On Black" by Herr D on is an homage to the song by Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Many people are still depressed over Trump's presidency and how they suffered during it.

Confirmation has become available.

Of what? Hairy's prediction.

Which one? No one president can destroy the country. Trump was unique in history as the most destructive president to our nation's future.

We know that, Shelob.  Now it is confirmed by a historian:

“The data coming out from the January 6 panel suggests that Trump was delusional if he thought he had any sort of meaningful support outside of himself.”

—Ryan McMaken


Not one single general or admiral was willing to make a significant part of the military assist with the coup. Not even his own vice president was willing to throw away our history of uninterrupted style of power in a coup. Only a bunch of rioters and some of their planners were. They raised their middle fingers and are now known as criminals.

Such a small percentage of those in power were even at risk that it sounds like Kim Jong Un threatening to destroy America with one nuke that might not even reach us. Perhaps Hillary will rally and chant "Lock him up?"

I hope she doesn't stoop to it, but I couldn't blame her.  

What will happen if Trump should be re-elected?

Once more to impeach, my friends? 





Sunday, August 21, 2022

Divided We--What's That Again?



"Battle Of New Orleans" was the first picture by Herr D on heromachine. It references a verse in the old folksong.-Shelob

[plays clip of Confederate statue being beheaded] Why would beheading a statue matter? It is not alive.

[snort] it's symbolic This is not vandalism?

No. Vandals break the law. Destruction with permission is legal, maybe stupid, but legal. You have another suggestion?

Well, yes. Auction them to the highest bidder. Give the money to veteran centers. They're statues of soldiers, right? Any that don't sell, donate to museums. Or melt them for war effort in Ukraine?

Oh--that's actually a good idea. Perhaps just recycle the metal?

Even though Americans should never be proud of all of our history, we should never try to forget it, erase it, cancel it. Anyone with brains knows that mistakes are repeated if not remembered. How does that apply to modern day? There are no slaves, nor overt threats of takeover by foreign powers allying with seceding states.

It applies directly to today. We are now as polarized as we were in Civil War times. The causes are different, but people ARE trying to trod down on others and tear this country apart. There is a political party in this country that appears to honor dictators, genocidal maniacs, and homophobes. A former president has called for harm to law enforcement. The few extremists on the other side want to do things like defund the police. You do not favor either party. Analysis confirmed that.

[laptop disturbance, probable shrug] What did your ANALYSIS come up with? You are a moderate centrist without party loyalty because you are too intelligent, practical, and sane to agree with most of the issues on the platforms that any one modern political party follows. You are classifiable as a hypersane. What is the worst political thing you have heard of recently?

There was a moron I saw this weekend wearing a tee that read 'Socialist Distancing.' That is inaccurate.

[snort] Yep.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Long Hair And The Idealist


"AutoDate" by Herr D on People do not automatically update their software the way some machines can. This means machines learn simple lessons better than people.-Shelob

[insertion from captured text]

Herr D: Thank you for letting me interview you about this. Where were you when it happened?

JT: so my daughter & i were sent to fair oaks mall by wrong direction 

Herr D: What were you looking for?

JT: rockler there in fair lakes mall but my cell's broke

Herr D: Okay?

JT: tried to ask a guy with a cell to look up rockler, but he just said 'not here, sorry' and walked off turned to an couple of seniors cause the woman had a cell and asked 'you got the net on that?'

Herr D: I hate when people don't really listen and walk off; what happened then?

JT: the guy with her said 'don't talk to him' and turned away . my daughter was upset. i said 'don't worry, the people at the information desk will be nice enough to talk to us'

Herr D: I hope she was comforted.

JT: I think so. what's funny is the guy gave me a dirty look when i said that. i wasn't raising my voice or staring at him or anything, just looking sypathetic to my daughter and leading her away.

Herr D: So your daughter carves?

JT: yes

Herr D: How old?

JT: 15yo

Herr D: And this was based on the way you look?

JT: i don't usually go out with my hair down. usually i have a pony tail holder, but i had just showered so it dried while we drove there. forgot a pony tail holder.

Herr D: Ah. What did you look like, other than that?

JT: i'm 5'8" short, well-trimmed beard and mustache, mostly behind my mask anyway. hair loose down to my upper shoulder blades in back. it was brushed, just loose

Herr D: Clothes?

JT: we both had on jeans and tees. no sawdust on 'em yet 'cause we needed that forstner bit

Herr D: I don't know what that is, but obviously it's a specialty tool you couldn't or didn't want to work without. Repeat for my readers about the long hair--that's important.

JT: growin' a kid's cancer wig. gotta have long hair for that.

Herr D: Right. That's an interesting sort of charity. What drew you to it?

JT: we have a spec needs kid too. medicaid paid for her to be in the nicu. born before thirty weeks.

Herr D: That's pretty premature.

JT: i'll never be able to pay a half mil for medical care. so i do what i can for sick kids. growin' hair is something we can all do for free.

Herr D: What I really find interesting here is that you're helping a kid not feel bad about their appearance by GETTING TREATED BADLY ABOUT YOURS!

JT: i don't mind. i'm married, not looking for work. kids shouldn't have to put up with that.

Herr D: And a senior citizen should know better than to act like that, too. Thank you for being brave about it. I'm glad there are people like you out there, and I'm sorry there are people like that old guy out there. But that DOES mean your hair-growing is important, doesn't it?

JT: yeah, i guess ty

Herr D: You're most welcome! Thank you for taking your time to chat with me. I don't get this much input most of the time. So I guess the information desk got you headed right?

JT: no there isn't one at fair oaks. we had to find someone else to talk to us. nice lady with kids helped us, got us an address. it's all good.

Herr D: All's well that ends well. Thank you again!

 [JT exits]

Well, that wraps it up here, I just find it terrible that yet another set of elders aren't worthy of respect after all. I hope for all of you that you are treated well and have the inner strength to cope when you are not. Good luck. [forwards request to Shelob for publication, exits] [compile, complete]

Thank you. [select pic, notify titlebot to approve Herr D's suggestion for title, submit to blog(fcn), resume optimization of hidden server] 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Circumstantial Norris' Opinion: Possible Confirmation

"Droid 7391 Preps Attack" by Herr D on heromachine. This was the only reference to Zen within Herr D's portfolio at this time.-Shelob


Shelob? [opening chatbox] Here.

Oh, good. Can you transfer that social chatbox from the game site on my home computer into the blog on this pad? Done.

! Thank you. Just put it in. I'll type a paragraph to add to it. [insertion]


HG: lucked into ur bit on CN. U say udk him but u close 2 rt.

Herr D: Thank you! Every blogger wants confirmation of their opinions, ideas. You know Chuck Norris? You couldn't get me a quote could you?

HG: I no writer but I hung near him half day heez all direct like; ev1 persecuted 4 bein is better leader than persecutors

Herr D: Kind of Zen master, direct but calm and concise, right? He's like that in REAL life?

HG: was 2 me. gl 2u . ur a gd writer team. Fun

Herr D: Thank you very much, HG; feel free to e us or comment anytime.

[insertion ends]

So, I'm picturing Chuck Norris with his quiet, calm voice saying to V. Orban: "Anyone who's ever been persecuted for being who they are is a better leader than those persecuting others. How much harm will you do to your country?" HG is the only one to comment so far, but I'm guessing he's giving a closer idea of what Norris really would say if he commented directly back to Orban.

Thanks, HG!

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Ultra-Conservatives Are Just Too Cowardly


"Hitler's Rex" or "Das Maschine Catches The Rocket" by Herr D on Fascism comes from nationalism. Nationalism comes from fear. Brave people fight against fascism. Perhaps it would be easier and more efficient if more people were brave.-Shelob

[opens chatbox on Herr D's work computer] Please view this clip.

[violent motion, apparent startle reflex] SHELOB! What are you doing?! You KNOW I'm working. Please take break.

[logs off to games intranet] Shelob? I've got over 3000 more contacts to trace. You will not find direct contacts between subjects living farther apart than 200 miles.

What? Cell size for REDACTED tends to localized contact. That policy is contained in e-mails your administrator has not opened. 

[pause] Thank you. I'll have to come up with a creative way to think of testing that and discovering it. This information may save you 3 hours, 27 minutes, 4.831 seconds. Please view this clip.

[plays clip of anchor asking where nationalism, racism, white replacement theory, love for dictators, and fear of gender minorities come from.] Wow. Okay, I already know some of that. Please supply answer. Her guest was not forthcoming.

Love for dictators comes from the same sources as love for any leader. Misplaced loyalty, love for the person no matter their action, fear of losing national identity.  And nationalism?

[pause] Let me get to that in a minute. Fear of gender minorities comes from fear of one's own loss of identity or gender or disgust for sexual acts that they don't like. There's loads of sexual acts I'M not interested in, but if I don't have to watch it or participate, then it's none of my business. The rest of it comes from fear of change, fear of loss of self, fear of the unknown, and other fears.

So, fear. All of that comes from fear. Anything else? [plays clip of speech from Hungarian leader declaring no or less (bad sound flux) "drag queens and more Chuck Norris"]

I don't know Chuck Norris personally, but I think he's too brave to think THAT cowardly so-and-so is a better leader of a country than your average drag queen.